Chapter 11

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On Monday, Sanem and Leyla both took the day off and spent time together. Sanem wanted to spend time with her niece. She was amazed by how well her niece could crawl around the floors of her house, they both watched her closely as her little hands were always reaching for things she shouldn't have. She was even standing if she could hold on to something. By the end of the day, Sanem was worn out, so after they  left she took a short nap before Can came home.

After dinner, she laid in Can's arms, both reading, until Can noticed that she was just staring out into space, soon she had tears falling down her cheeks.

"Sanem, Babek, what is wrong?"

"Nothing" she answered while still crying.

"I know something is bothering you, please tell me so I can help."

Slowly, she turned in his arms and looked him straight in the eyes "Can, do you think I am ugly?"

"Sanem, you are beautiful." he answered, he smiled but did not laugh because he knew this was just the harmones talking and if he laughed she would get mad but he had to bite his lips not to.

"I am fat, my feet are swollen most of the time,"

"Sanem" he stopped her for saying any more "You are not fat, you are pregnant and the most beautiful woman in the world to me. You are carrying my child, you glow with love, our love."

"Then why haven't you made love to me. It has been two months and four days since we have had sex!"

Can did laugh outloud now, Sanem huffed with anger "DO you know how hard it has been to keep my hands off you? I was afraid I would hurt the baby. It has taken everything I have to not make love to you but I was afraid."

"Well, the doctor says as long as it isn't rough sex then we can have sex as much as we want as long into the pregnancy as we want."

Those words had Can moving, he jumped from the couch and lifted her into his arms, he walked quickly to their bedroom and laid her on the bed. Slowly as he could, he first removed her shoes, then he kissed her, then he lifted her shirt up over her head, then he kissed her entire face. Next came her slacks, he then kissed her face and neck, slowly heading toward her breast. He removed her bra and panties and then kissed her from her entire head to her toes. Sanem could not keep still, she wiggled with every kiss, wanting to grab her husband and insert him into herself.

"Caannn!" she whispered, he smiled "I need you now!"

His smile became bigger as he slowly undressed for his wife, lifted his wife on top of him and slowly entered her. They made love the rest of the night, gently, slowly, falling asleep only to wake up tangled in each others arms and their love session would begin again. Both finally falling asleep, satisfied and sated, their appetite for each satisified for the moment.

When she woke up the next morning, it was to an empty bed but Can had left a note, he had an early morning meeting and didn't want to wake her, for her to come to the office when she was ready, he wanted to take her out tonight for dinner. She smiled, a little sore from all their love making but happy. She got up and dressed, Elif, popped into her head, looking as if she was drunk on love.

Sanem walked toward the agency from the car park when a dark sedan pulled up beside her. She looked over as Huma rolled down the window.

"Sanem, I wanted to talk to you, please get in the car and let's talk."

"I believe if you have anything to say to me then it needs to be said in front of Can, I will not tolerate listening to your nasty words about me any longer."

"You know Can belongs with someone else, he should be with someone who has the same social status as himself."

She was about to answer when a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her away. She turned to see Emre was trying to get her away from Huma.

"Huma, you have done enough damage to Sanem and Can. For all your words about how much you love him, you have done nothing but hurt him. Please, leave them alone." He turned and took Sanem's arm and walked her the rest of the way to the agency. Huma sat in her car and watched the two walk away.

Sanem was all smiles, Emre had defended her once again, showing that he had truly changed, she loved him like a brother now and was happy that he had become a man worthy of her Abla. She kissed him on the cheek when she turned to see Can watching them from his office door. A raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face.

"Gunaydin, love." Sanem said as she walked up, placed a kiss on his lips and then walked into his office. Emre standing amused by his sister-in-law.

"are you going to tell me what that was all about?" Can asked Sanem when he followed her into the office.

"Just loving my brother-in-law at the moment." she answered, sat down and pulled up the campaign on her laptop. They worked together for about an hour, when the door opened and CeyCey rushed in with a tray of fruit and cheese along with a pot of tea and two cups. Can nodded his head at the young man in thanks, Sanem grabbing a strawberry not even noticing anything else.

"Can, I think I have found what is  wrong with this campaign." CeyCey sighed and walked toward the door. "CeyCey." He stopped and turned toward Sanem "Thank you for the snacks and tea." He smiled and went out the door. 

"I didnt think you even noticed he had brought that tray in." said Can.

"I know my mind has been preoccupied lately but I do remember every time CeyCey has done something this sweet and kind for me, even if I forget to say thank you most of the time."

Can nodded but watched as he could see her mind working, he waited for her to speak again "We have 3 months until our little one is with us and I have a request for you. I know that we haven't spoke about this but I have been thinking." 

Still Can waited, what could have her thinking so hard. "This will be an unusual request, I know that in our culture we do not have these, but I like the idea that someone is there to help teach our children, to protect them. Yes, I know that our family and our community is and will be there  to help us. But, I was reading about other religions one day and the thought that someone special was asked to step up and help our child, especially if something happened to us, well, it brought peace to my mind. So for that reason only, I would like to ask CeyCey and Deren to be Ates' Godparents."

Well, that was unusual, Can had never seen the need, she was right, their culture didn't believe in baptism, or the need for Godparents, they believed that they are born  free of sin  and that anyone can be involved in the child's spiritual education. So no, he hadn't thought about asking anyone to be Godparents, but these two were certainly not who came to mind when she asked him that question.

"Sanem, if that is what you want then I think they both would feel honored that you asked."

"I know it is a crazy thought, I know our families will be there for our children and I know the beliefs of our culture, it seemed, I don't know. With all we have been through I don't want our children to not have someone special in their lives they can go to if they need to."

Oh, Allah, this woman and how she cared for others. "I think it will be ok for us to have Godparents but if it will make you feel better we will talk to our parents about this before you ask them."

"Thank you." she smiled and relaxed back, they worked a little longer then Leyla knocked and walked in "Emre and I are going to the cafe down the street for lunch, would you like to join us?"

Can laughed as Sanem was up and out the door before he could answer, her abla looking out at her "I guess that is a yes." she said and followed Sanem.

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