Chapter One

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Can's POV

I am stunned, we both are. I have been so worried about Sanem's health, she was so violently ill, that I cut our honeymoon short and flew us back home. Emre and Baba picked us up from the airport and drove us to the doctor's office. 

When we walk back into the waiting room,  I can see the worried looked on baba and Emre's faces but can't say a word.

"Sanem" finally my baba speaks "Are you ok?'

 I know they think we are crazy as Sanem and I both start laughing, it is nervous laughing but by the looks on my family's face they think we are losing it. I look at Sanem and that starts her laughing all over again. The receptionist smiles at us as she knows the reason for our laughter.

"I have to make a follow up appointment" Sanem says between laughing fits and walks up to the desk. When she walks back, we both look at each other and smile 

"We are pregnant!" we say together. "We are having a baby."

"Well, I am pregnant!" she states.

My baba grabs us both in a hug and Emre just sits down in the closest chair. 

"please, don't say anything, if my Anne thinks I didn't tell her first, she will kill me." Sanem is laughing again.

"Then we must go tell them now." States baba.

We walk out together and head toward the mahalla. Mekvibe is standing outside her house talking to one of the neighbors when we drive up. She placed her hand over her heart as Sanem gets out of Emre's truck and runs to hug her.

"You are back." she says.

"Evet, we have some news to tell you, can you call Baba to join us. I need some chai, I will make some and head to the garden." Sanem says and walks off. Her Anne looking at me for answers.

I simply state "We have something we wanted to tell you, we invited my Baba and Emre to join us." I then head off toward the kitchen. Emre and Baba following me as she calls Nihat to come home. 

We are sitting in the garden when he runs in and grabs Sanem and holds her tightly. When he finally lets her go and sits down he ask "What is going on? What is so important that I had to close the store?"

Sanem grabs onto my hand and smiles at everyone "Hamileyim"

 Nihat sits stunned but Mekvibe is up dancing and singing. She finally comes over and hugs us both.

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