Chapter 14

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Even though Huma nor Ceyda had attempted to contact him or Sanem, Can kept watch on his wife. He didn't trust either woman, and afraid that they may approach Sanem outside of the agency/ So, If she needed to leave the agency, he made sure someone was with her. It was usually CeyCey, but Can knew he would protect Sanem with everything he had.

For now, Can watched his beautiful wife as she walked toward his office, he smiled as she took a detour and walked passed CeyCey's desk, grabbed a chocolate and then continued her  journey toward him. His smile growing bigger as he watched her. They had made it through some trying times and now waiting for their daughter to be born just made those struggles all worth so much more.

He loved his employees, they adored Sanem, even Deren had come around and had become Sanem's friend. Every person who worked there had made sure that each desk and every office now had a snack bowl, filled with Sanem's favorite chocolates, fruits or snack cakes.  It had gone so far as if someone ordered lunch they automatically brought his wife lunch also. He wondered if she even realized what they had done. He needed to figure out a way to say thank you.

The smile on his face became bigger as his wife walked in his office. He loved the way she extended the sound of his name when she wanted something. "Caaann, I think we need to give our staff a gift or reward."

He looked at her with surprise "You didn't think I noticed the snacks?" He shook his  head and laughed.

"I agree. I just had those same thought running through my head." he was still laughing, he should have known she wouldn't miss a thing " What do you  think?"

"How about we have everyone come work at the house and  then surprise them with a cook-out. You know how much they love getting out of the agency."

"Sounds great, I will have Deren call a meeting in a while."

Sanem sat down and put her feet up on the sofa, she relaxed her head back. He could see she had something on her mind but he would wait for her to speak. It didn't take long.

"Can, we need to finish the nursery." he smiled, he was going to surprise her tonight, last night after she had gone to bed he had finished painting the baby's room, they would still need to hang pictures and sat up the bed but the biggest surprise he had was the mural he had painted on the wall. As soon as they found out they were having a girl he had started drawing pictures, he wanted the mural to go with Yildiz' name. He had painted stars and moons all over the ceiling and fairy princesses with star crowns. He made sure to use phosphorescent paints so that when the lights were out the stars and moons would glow. He was very proud of his work and couldn't wait to show his wife.

Sanem sat up quickly and then drop her head, Can was up quickly walking to her. "Sanem, are you ok?"

"Ah, Evet, I just got up too fast and got dizzy. I am ok now.' she said as she smiled up at him "Can we go stay at the mountain hut this weekend?"

"If you wish, we can stop and get a change of clothes and then drive over." He loved the look on her face, it was tranquil, peaceful and full of love.

"Let's get this meeting over with and then we can leave." They stood and held hands as they walked into the main room.

"Come on everyone, gather round." Deren yelled out. All the employees walked over to where their bosses stood. 

Still holding hands, Can looked at Sanem and then around the room  "Sanem, had a wonderful idea, she wanted to thank you for all the treats. So, everyone is free to go home after this meeting, rest over the weekend and then we will work from our home on Monday."

Everyone clapped, they knew that Can would have a nice spread for them to eat while they were working but no one guessed they would have a party after they finished working.

Quickly gathering their things, everyone yelled their goodbyes, thanking their bosses for the time off. Can grabbed Sanem's hand and they made their way to the car park and headed home.

When they arrived, Sanem went into the bedroom to change and pack them an overnight bag.

"Sanem" Can called out "Can you come to the baby's room, I wanted to ask you something."

"Ok." she answered, carried the bag out of their bedroom and dropped it outside the door to the baby's room.

She tilted her head wondering why Can had closed the door. He, in the meantime, had made the room as dark as possible. She opened the door and gasped, it was beautiful, stars and moons on the ceiling shining. She walked all the way in and made a full turn, tears running down her face, a sweet smile on her face.

"Ah, Can. This is beautiful." she said spinning again. He turned on the lights so she could see the mural with fairy princesses.

"Ah, Allah!" she squealed with delight "Absolutely beautiful. Ylidiz will be a happy baby." She ran into Can's arms and hugged him with all her might "When did you do this?"

"I finished it last night. Do you like it?" He knew the answer but wanted to here it again.

"I love this Can. No baby will ever have such a beautiful room. You, Baba, are the best." She kissed him, and he deepened the kiss until  they both had to break away. "Ccaaann, if we don't leave now."

"We won't be leaving." he finished, kissed her again and grabbed her hand, grabbed their bag and headed out the door. Sanem fell asleep as soon as they were on the road, he stopped at a local market and then drove on to the hut. When they arrived he gently kissed his wife awake.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: May 09, 2021 ⏰

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