Chapter 2-phones

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———NO POV———

Nightmare looked at horror with utter disappointment and disgust. One of his tentacles wrapped around horror making him wince in pain as it wrapped around a two of his fractured ribs. Nightmare summoned a portal and dragged the gang through, horror was trying so hard not to faint to make sure he didn't look weak. He tried so hard to stay awake, but the pain from nightmare holding his broken ribs was too much and he drifted off.

That's when dust noticed horror go limp and saw more blood stains on horror than normal, it was very odd. "Umm...boss?" "Yes dust?"
"Can I have a quick look at horror?" "Because?" "I wanna check something" nightmare layed horror down on the couch and dust walked over to him, he placed two fingers on horror's neck. "He is still breathing...he is just unconscious" "do you know why he passed out?" "Let me check...I have a theory"
Dust lifted up some of horror's shirt to show three broken ribs and two cracked ones. "HOLY SHIT! BOSS YOU MIGHT WANNA LOOK AT THIS!" The rest of the bad guys walked over and looked at how badly injured he was. "..." all of them we're utterly shocked, they didn't know how he even managed to stay conscious let alone walk to where that skeleton took him. Then nightmare broke the silence "leave me alone with him...I will heal him"

———LUST POV———

I sat there in shock, I was too afraid to say anything about horror's condition but I knew he could get hurt. I tried to say something, but nothing came out. Then a small blue skeleton brought me out of my shock. "I sure hope he will be ok...I know he is our enemy but he looked like he was hurt...really bad." One of the other skeletons that was wearing a lot of yellow was checking me to see if I was hurt began asking me questions. "Did he hurt you?" "No" "alright...what did you do to him?" "I-I helped him" a skeleton with a large paintbrush then butted in "how exactly?" "I lead him to secret spot, I then bandaged him up, he had a few broken bones but they were mainly cracked and fractured" the yellow skeleton hummed "as long as he didn't hurt you...please stay away from them, they are very dangerous. I know you wanted to help but trust me when I say this...they are extremely dangerous." And with that the three skeletons disappeared leaving me alone....again. That's when I noticed a small piece of paper tucked inside the book we were reading. It had several numbers on it and a name-horror. I had a warm smile on my was his phone number, he can't be that dangerous........right?

———NO POV———

It had now been a few hours since nightmare began healing horror, he had used up a lot of his magic by now. The others had been waiting anxiously outside the living room now they were worried for their friend, no....their family. A small click came from the door as a tired nightmare walked through, dust was the first to speak. "Is he ok!" "He is fine...but he won't be joining in battles for a good week or so...he has a lot of injuries...and yes dust if your wondering you can go see him BUT he is still unconscious" and with hearing those few words dust rushed through the door. Horror was lying on the couch with bandages wrapped around his leg, arm and ribs. The rest of the gang walked in after dust and they all sat on the couch, dust sat at the other end of the couch that horror was passed out on.

After a hour and a bit nightmare was asleep with killer in his arms also asleep. Cross was asleep on the floor and error was playing with his strings in a Hamock. Dust was on his phone, occasionally glancing at horror. Then a small groan came from horror as he slowed opened his sockets. Dust quickly jumped onto horror giving him a hug. "Horror! Your ok!" Everyone immediately woke up to dust. Killer and cross joined in on the hug as error wrapped his strings  around them lightly and nightmare did the same with his tentacles. "Horror...your gonna have to stay home for awhile, someone will look after you while you heal." Before anyone could say anything dust immediately said "I will look after him!" "Alright then...neither of you will be battling for a while now, horror...please get some rest you need it"


788 words
(1st april)

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