Ross X Reader Part One

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Ross liked y/n for a few months now. But he never had the courage to tell him until one day. He got the courage on their fifth month of being best friends. Ross and y/n are in Ross's room.

"I like you y/n for a while now and was wondering..." Ross started out saying.

"I like you too Ross and what is it?" Y/n asked.

"If you'd want to be my boyfriend?" Ross asked.

"Yes Ross I would be glad to be your boyfriend." Y/n said.

Y/n kissed Ross out of nowhere. Ross kisses back and pulls y/n onto his lap. They start a make out session. Ross adds his tongue y/n sucks on Ross's tongue. Ross pulls away from the make out session and starts kissing y/n's neck.

Y/n bites his lip as Ross started kissing his neck. Ross sucks the spot he kissed on y/n's neck. Y/n bites back a moan as Ross bites the spot on y/n's neck. Y/n let's out a softly moan. Ross gives him a few more hickeys on his neck. 

Y/n takes off his shirt. Ross pulled away from his neck when y/n took off his shirt. Ross looked at y/n's abs shocked and then took off his shirt. Y/n stares at Ross's abs and drools a little. 

After that two months went by it was their second month anniversary. Ross took y/n out to dinner. They had a good time ever since they got together they have loved every minute of it.

Y/n falls deeper in love with Ross every second they spend together. Y/n went to R5's practices and concerts also backstage in Ross's dressing room. Once R5 were on stage y/n was back stage watching from a distance.

"I don't know what your up to but baby. I see me and you walking around through the town always we can sail around the sea no one else just you and me lay in the sand holding hands always." Riker sings.

"Cause I waited so long for you to tell me you love me too." Ross and Riker sing.

"I hope I'm not too late to see your face." Riker sings.

"To tell the time stop asking questions and make up your mind let me take you out baby don't be shy just come with me darling and we can fly wherever you wanna go and. I'll always hold you close." Ross and Riker sing.

"Always, always girl I'm yours forever more my friends they ask but. I am sure I'll be right here for you my dear always no one can keep me away. I'm for real and I'm here to stay I'll be your man understand always." Riker sings.

"Cause I waited so long for you to tell me you love me too. I hope I'm not too late to see your face to tell the time stop asking questions and make up your mind. Let me take you out baby don't be shy just come with me darling and we can fly wherever you wanna go and. I'll always hold you close always." Ross and Riker sing.

"I'll be everything you need my love is so strong don't pretend like you don't know. I've been here all along boy. I've waited so long for you to tell me you love me too. I hope I'm not to late girl I promise I will wait." Riker sings.

"To see your face to tell the time stop asking questions and make up your mind let me take you out baby don't be shy just come with me darling and. We can fly to the stars we'll be all alone no one can catch us cause no one knows. I'll be your guy and you'll be my boy we'll fly away all over the world if there's one thing you should know that. I'll always hold you close always." Ross and Riker sing.

Word count: 646 words

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