Chapter 19

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Surprised that Derek knew about you and Spencer you wanted to respond but were interrupted

Knock knock

You and Derek look at one another

You both open the door together to see the same man that you had noticed through the day is standing in the doorway

"For the newlyweds, from the staff" He smiles handing you the bouquet of flowers and a box of chocolates

"Aww, thank you so much... what's your name" You say kindly, as you smell the roses and pass them to Derek

"Riley" The man says as he turns and walks down the hallway

"I think that's our unsub" Derek says

"Yeah i do too, but we cannot prove its him, we have no evidence to arrest him on"

Derek and yourself spend the next day being followed by Riley, while Garcia is back at Quantico searching tirelessly for any information surrounding the unsub. Unfortunately, this man was very good at laying low, the best course of option the team had was for you and Derek to succeed at this undercover mission

"Hey Derek?" you whisper

"Yes y/n?"

"What did you mean about me wishing it was Spencer instead of you"

"Honey, we're profilers, and I know you, and I certainly know Spencer, the way he looks at you, what's going on?" he sounds curious

"Nothing, i don't know what you're talking about" you speak nonchalantly

"You're lying to me, again, i'm good at my job y/n" he laughs

"Fine, we've been dating for a while, but we haven't told anyone, so please Derek don't say anything" You spill

"Dating, I thought you two were just crushing on each other, i didn't know you were dating!!" He seems excited "have you told Penelope?" He questions

"No, I haven't that's why I need you to not say anything, I want to tell her, she's my best friend, and needs to hear it from me" you plead

"Don't worry, I got you" He puts his arm around you.

You get a call from Garcia

"Darling, i have found some information about Riley, he was married at the Daisies Chapel two years ago, recently his wife filed for a divorce, on his social media, he posts about how in love and happy their marriage was, but behind the scenes was a different story, many calls to the police on both the husband and wifes end."
"He is targeting couples that look happy, but he feels that they have something to hide" You state

"He matches the description of the surveillance footage. The guy that has been following you is the unsub. Get him my lovelies" She says hanging up

You both put on your hidden microphones so the rest of the team can hear your conversations as you leave the hotel room.

The two of you walk hand in hand down the street, you notice Spencer up ahead sitting on a bench reading a book, blending into the scene around him. You wish you could talk to him, but being undercover means no communication with your real boyfriend, especially when your fake husband is standing next to you. You were able to text briefly last night, but both exhausted from the day before. You are officially on day two of this undercover mission, today is the day the unsub would visit to kill, if this mission worked he should show up around 2pm.

"Its one o'clock babe, at two we will be married for exactly two days, it's like a dream that never want to wake up from" Derek says kissing your cheek,

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