Chapter 2

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Your cheeks get warm from embarrassment, "how awkward, seriously it's my first day, get a grip y/n, don't do anything stupid, be kind and friendly," you think to yourself as you walk over to the coffee bar.

"Hey smart one," A deep voice says from behind you.

"smart one?" You ask in a puzzled yet playful tone.

"I tend to have nicknames for all the family, seeing that you're our newest member, you are no exception to that rule," Derek says with a smile putting a hand on your shoulder.

"Well what is yours then?" you ask

"I guess you'll have to come up with that for yourself, smart one," Derek says with a wink.

"How is everyone here so good looking, honestly I kind of feel out of place, I cannot believe that I finally made it I am here, my dream to work with the BAU" you think to yourself

"So I guess I should follow you around first huh?" you ask Derek

"Like a lost puppy" Derek motions for you to come over to his desk and grabs you an extra chair, you sit down and observe the area around you and notice Spencer talking to Emily out of the corner of your eye; you try not to look over.

"Okay, here are some of the unsolved cases, it's just about going through them looking at some details providing feedback and information to the local detectives. Feel free to give the stations a call if you have any questions about the case." Derek says handing you a stack of files

"It's more about collecting additional data, figuring out jurisdiction and deciding if there is sufficient evidence to prosecute," A voice from behind you says, you turn around and see Spencer smiling.

"Oh I see, so its basically providing a fresh perspective to the case, looking for something that may have been missed." You say as your eyes dart back and forth between Derek and Spencer.

"Yeah you've got it, exactly like that. Look over those few cases and log the information into your computer files." Derek says as he hands you a few more folders. You spend the next two hours chatting back and forth with Derek and the team about the cases at hand.

You lean back in your chair and rub your eyes, putting your face in your hands.

"Do you have a headache; I have some Tylenol if you need it," Emily says offering you a bottle of pain relievers.

"Oh thank you, but that's okay, I guess I stared at the screen for a little too long. It's a lot to process, all of these unsolved cases, all the families without answers, the unrecovered bodies, lack of closure. There is a lot riding on this" You say with a calm voice and a deep breath.

"It can be tough, but it's important to remember that you are not alone in this, we must rely on each other. And you must always focus on the good times, the times we have success on the case, when we can bring closure and find the answers," JJ says from behind you as she puts her hands on your chair.

"But trust me, we all felt this, when we started, you are not alone," Emily says with a reassuring look.

You continue the day shadowing JJ, Rossi, Emily, and Penelope. You found Penelope's job very interesting, it was amazing to watch her work so quickly. She was so much fun to spend time around she makes you laugh, it's almost like you have known each other for years. This is starting to finally feel like a place where you can fit in, where you feel wanted and needed.

"Ahh another day done, it looks like its home time" Garcia says and she closes out her programs.

You say goodnight to everyone looking around the room for Spencer, but you notice he is on the phone, you wave goodbye and he smiles and waves back.

You arrive home and grab a quick snack, then crawl right into bed, shortly after your head hits the pillow you are fast asleep.

As your alarm goes off, you reluctantly get up, grab breakfast and take a quick shower before heading out the door. You thought your outfit was cute, a pencil skirt with a white shirt and black blazer, nothing that stands out too much, but something very professional.

Arriving at work after a short drive, you walk into the bullpen you greet everyone and head to your desk. Penelope calls you into her room,

"Y/n, I just wanted to say you did so well yesterday, you fit right in. This weekend Rossi is having a party at his mansion and you should totally come" She says excitedly

"Oh thank you, yeah of course I'll be there" you say, responding also with excitement.

You and Penelope continue to chat.

Spencer enters the room interrupting your girl time with Penelope, although you were working it felt like you were just having fun.

"Hey Dr. y/l/n ready to head out?" Spencer says, pointing to the door.

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