how you met

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Dean: Garth was busy on another hunt so he asked Dean to go with you on a hunt. You gave him your phone number afterwards

Sam: You've known Sam for a long time, because of Bobby. You both have had feelings for each other but were always scared to say it

Castiel: You were in a motel, researching while Sam and Dean were out. You heard something so you grabbed your gun.
"Who are you?!"
"I- I'm Castiel, an angel of the lord"
"(Y/N) put the gun down" You heard Dean say behind you
"You know this dude?"

Jack: You met Jack in the bunker. You didn't really like him at first, because of his dad but you started to treat him nicer in the long run

Gabriel: You technically met him in Mystery spot but you figured out he was an angel in changing channels, just like Sam and Dean. You weren't a fan of Gabriel at first, after everything he put your brothers through, but you began to like him

Kevin: Dean asked you to look after Kevin, you became good friends and then lovers

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