Street sweeper.

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One guy manages to shoot her in the left side of the stomach, missing her kidney by an inch, but she continues like nothing happened

After a few minutes, the guys are dead and they go back to Tony's place and they take care of her wound

M: Niko.

N: Yes?

Mila looks at worried Tony and Florian and they give her the nod

M: Niko... I.....

N: You're worrying me, what's going on??

M: Niko.. We brought you on this trip because... I wanted to surprise you.. I'm pregnant.

N: WHAT?! And you didn't tell me straight away? What are we going to do if something happened to it?

M: Please Niko, stay calm, I know how you're feeling, I feel the same!
She breaks down crying

Niko zones out looking at one spot for a few minutes then comes up to her and hugs her tight caressing her back while she's sobbing in his chest

Tony and Florian look at each other then at them giving sympathetic looks

T: We should probably leave you guys alone... Call me babe, don't let this break you, everything will be okay

B: Take care of her Niko. We'll come see you tomorrow..

N: I will.. Thank you.. You two take care too.

T&B: Don't worry about us..

They walk out leaving Niko and Mila alone

Niko feels her losing grip on him and he takes her and brings her to bed

N: You have to rest, everything will be okay baby.

M: Promise?

N: Promise. Now try to get some sleep, you're weak.

M: Niko.. please don't leave me..

N: I won't, I'll lay here with you.

Few hours later

Mila wakes up and Niko is gone so she grabs the phone and quickly calls Tony

T: Mila?

M: Tony.

T: How are you feeling, is everything okay?

M: I need to talk to you, Niko is out and I have to tell you something, but I'm not sure if that's true.

T: What is it?

M: I think the child might've been Luis's.

T: The what??

M: I know it sounds crazy, but we did it and I've been feeling really nauseous for a while, but I just thought I ate something bad..

T: Are you sure?

M: I'm not! That's why I called you, I wanted to speak to someone about it.

T: Well now it doesn't matter, does it?

M: Oh come on Tony, reassure me!
I wasn't with Niko at that time but I still feel bad.. I can't tell him that!

T: And you shouldn't! Are you 100% sure you're pregnant?

The one.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz