"I'm not going to kill you." I spat. "Although I shouldve tried that through the thousands of times I killed your family. I actually shouldve tried killing mine. God I'm stupid." I blabbed as Damon helped me.

"No, your not stupid." He smiled at me grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. "Your just crazy.." He smiled and then kissed me.

I pulled away after to see who came through the door. "Tyler. I knew I smelt something bad." He rolled his eyes and glared at Damon, Damkn ignored him.

"What the hell happened out there?"

"Oh yeah, evacuated thr town cause of the Heretics. Itll be dead for a while."

"Hes not talk about that Rae." Damon told me.

"Well then what is he talking about?"

"While you were out... Julian took over, big time. Well I mean he hasnt anymore but... you know."

"What do you mean? How long was I in there for?"

"5 months. And a lot has changed."

"Like what?"

"Caroline is having an emergency c-section because the babies were killing her." Tyler blurted.


"Calm down, it's not as bad as it sounds. They were just siphoning her magic away, they are siphons. Shocker, right?" Damon said.

"Sure. Is that the only thing that has happened?"

"No. Julian is dead. Stefan and Valerie killed him the other week."

"But didnt you just say that the town was taken over by Julian?"

"Yeah it was. Now its destroyed by him. And now hes dead. And... theres a huntress."

"Huntress for..?"

"Vampires. And its... Rae its bad."

"What can I do?"

"Stay here. That's what. You are crazy, and frankly I dont want you like me. Your not going to go kill someone because of this."

"What? No, let me help Caroline. If she is having a c-section then she better do it with the help of magic. Those babies will not make it out alive if they do it with normal doctors!"

"Rae, they are. That's why Kai left and Stefan isnt here along with Valerie. Nora and Mary Louise skipped town because of Rayna."


"The huntress. The Phoenix sword? Its hers, the vervain took you out for a couple days and we found the stone you shattered my window with. She got her sword back and now shes after all of us."

"Ok and how the hell do I get out of 'us?' I'm ok with dying for you Damon but if I get sent back there I'm going to kill myself." He chuckled at my comment. "I'm serious Damon!"

"I know you are," He smiled. "You can come with, but you'll be watched 24/7. I am not having you go crazy. If you see anything or... or hear anything that's not there, tell me. Ok? Dont do anything stupid."

"I will try my best."

"Rae, I know your trying to be silly but this is something we need to be serious about, ok? You'll do more than try, you'll do it. I cant risk the chance if losing you like you lost me, I love you too damn much to lose you." My eyes got wide, I'd never thought of saying the 'L' word towards him, let alone someone in general.

But there was no way in hell I'd let him down after what he said to me, what I feel for him is strong, and I know that for a fact. "I... I love you too." I said and stole a kiss.

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