Chapter 1

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                                                                            ~Jayfeather POV~ 

Hey guys! I'm just going to quickly say these chapters will be kinda short so please don't get mad. Thanks!

Jayfeather was surrounded by his Clanmates, most yowling their cries. Jayfeather could feel his life ebbing away. "It's my time to go"rasped Jayfeather,"Alderheart, I trust you to take care of the medicine den. Good bye Thunder Clan.."   Jayfeather blinked open his eyes, they were no longer dark and empty. He could actually see! He knew where he was, in Star Clan. There in front of him, stood a familiar white she-cat with eyes as green as new-leaf grass; Half Moon. Jayfeather purred. "We can finally be together" Half Moon said eyes glimmering. 

~Unknown POV~

"Half Moon.. you stole Jayfeather from me... I was supposed to wait for him and have him snuggle me. I was supposed to have the happily ever after. JUST YOU WAIT!"

~Half Moon POV~

It's been a season since Jayfeather and Half Moon reunited. Life was perfect, although Half Moon had to admit, running in the grass with Jayfeather felt a bit heavier than before... "Half Moon, are you sure your okay?" asked Jayfeather, his tail twitching with worry. "Of course! I'm just a little short of breath" Jayfeather shot a doubtful glance,"Let's go back and rest" "Okay, but I really insist I'm okay." As they padded along the trail, they meet Bluestar. "Ah, the two cats I've been looking for" Bluestar greeted,"I have important news." Jayfeather asked, "Is there anything wrong?" "Well," Bluestar began "Star Clan decided you will be allowed to have-

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Heyy, thanks for reading. I'm not telling you guys what Star Clan is allowing them to have until next chapter. Also, who is this jelly mysterious cat? Stay tuned! 

P.S. I love you guys!

-JayfeatherxHalfmoon_  🍵

The of Story of when Jayfeather finally joins Half MoonWhere stories live. Discover now