Going Away Gift

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"This area will be getting busy soon," He half-whispers. "Plus, we're leaving in 4 hours." I smile and hop off the wall and reach for his hand. He accepts and jumps off the wall with me.


One of my favourite things about this tour is that I don't have to pack anything. I didn't bring anything in the first place.

Now, of course, Harry does.

Plus all I need is my phone and my clothes. I wear one of Harry's tees to go to bed in, I own one pair of shoes and I use Harry's charger. I'm all set.

"You got your phone?" I ask as I watch Harry zip up his case.

Oh yeah, we're late.

We're going to New York and we were meant to arrive at the airport 5 minutes ago, we haven't even left the building yet. 

I power walk to the perfectly made bed, just how it was when we got here, to grab his dead phone. 

When I arrive back in the main room, I see Harry at the door with his full suitcase, waiting for me. "You ready?" He asks, unlocking the door. He turns back around to face me as I wrap his rainbow knitted cardigan closer around my waist to keep all the warm air in.

I'm really, really nervous to go back to New York. Things aren't exactly okay there. But, maybe this will be good for me. I haven't seen it in a while and I may see my dad somewhere, maybe going in a taxi to go home from work.

But maybe New York is different. Maybe my parents moved away. No, dad wouldn't move away knowing I could be anywhere. 

All I can hope is for it to go well and then to go home.

I nod at Harry as I take his ringless hand as we exit the building that I possibly will never see again.

"Blossom!" Rin says from the corner. Harry and I stop in our tracks as we see Rin holding an item in her small hands. Harry hasn't met Rin. I've told him about her, though.

"Hi Rin, I'm so sorry, I'm in a rush," I say, begging for her forgiveness.

"Don't worry, Blossom! I need to get going too, I just wanted to give you this! Like a souvenir," She smiles.

I nod happily. "Close your eyes," She says. 

I flicked my eyes shut, excitement bursting out from inside. She takes my hand and places this cold item inside.


I open my eyes and see this gold bracelet with the country on this circular coin. My heart bursts and my cheeks hurt from smiling. I've only met this girl this morning. We've been talking non-stop all day, though.

"I can't take this, Rin, this is too much," I respond, upset that I can't keep it. I mean this is way too much.

"No, Blossom, take it. I got last year but I don't wear much jewellery."

I hesitate to accept the gift. "You sure?" I ask, her smile making the world brighter. She nods as she puts the necklace around my bare wrist.

I need to give something back.

I slip off my earrings and give them to her. I see her eyes glow as she put them through the puncture in her ears. My lips part as she looks at the gift from her phone's camera. She looks back at me. "I got it a month ago," I smile "Like a souvenir."

We take each other for a long embrace.

I need to get going.

"Sorry we can't chat for longer, Rin!" I shout, starting to back away. 

She raises up her arm and waves at me as I do the same. "Visit again!" She shouts back.

I smile as I enter the car.

I'm heading back to my childhood.

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