"That was hot" My eyes widen at what I just said and I try to recover "I'm going to need to get out of these sweaty clothes as soon as possible."

Nat had her eyebrows raised at me and she let what I said go and I exhale in relief.

"Thor status." Steve said through the headpiece.

"The girl tried to warp my mind, take special care, I doubt a human can keep her at bay, fortunately, I am mighty."

I snort and Nat shakes her head with a little laugh however her laugh is cut short which makes me turn around just in time to see the girl mess with her head. Quickly, the girl attempts to warp mine but nothing happens.

"Nice try voodoo, not going to happen with me princess" I smirk, lifting my arm up take her down but a flash hits me and I fall to the ground to see the boy holding his sister in his arms.

"Oh it's happening princess" he retorts with his Russian accent, winking at me before dashing off. I groan at the ache in my back but sit up to see Nat sitting against the wall and panting heavily, tears in her eyes. Instantly I frown and scramble to her side, the pain not mattering right now.

"Nat, Nat are you okay? Hey, look at me" I say softly, gently grabbing her hand which makes her eyes snap to mine.

"Let me see" she whispers and I understand what she means, lowering my mask a bit and lifting my hood back slightly so she could fully see my blue ones. A sigh of relief escapes her mouth and it makes me question what the girl made her see but I'll ask that later. I stand up and pick Nat up bridal style like I did the other day and speak into the COMS system.

"Does anybody copy?"

"Yeah, I do but everyone else has been compromised, I have Thor and Cap with me, meet me back at the jet" replied Clint.


"Yeah about that, we currently have a major green problem so I'm going to have to get back to you about Bruce in-" Tony was cut off by noises of smashing and angry yells which tells me all I need to know.

I carry a tired Nat to the Quinjet where Clint is sat with two very frustrated men.

"I thought I was mighty! I'm a God!" protests Thor, slouching onto the floor in defeat. Steve kept quiet, obviously still thinking about whatever he was shown. Clint stood up quickly when I put Nat down softly on the table and he checked her up and down for any significant injuries.

"How come she didn't get you?" I ask.

"Felt her coming, I've done the whole possessed thing and I am definitely not a fan, how about you?"

"I'm not really sure, she tried but it did nothing for me."

"Well that's handy, it's awful."

Clint goes off to have a chat with Steve while we all wait for Tony and Bruce to return. Nat is slowly becoming more awake and she isn't as shaken up anymore but something is still bothering her.

"What did you see?"

Nat turns her head to look at me and looks back down. " Something I wish to never see."

I get the message that she won't say anymore so I just nod and put my hand over hers but she snaps hers back.

"Oh sorry- I didn't mean to-" I start to ramble to hide my embarrassment but Nat just pulls the glove of my hand before latching our fingers back together. I look down at how well they fit together, mine slightly bigger than hers and I see that she's also staring at them intently. The moment however, get's interrupted when a battered Bruce and Tony enter the jet looking utterly dejected. Everyone was silent, clearly dealing and trying to process what happened so Clint went up front and started the jet, taking control of our next destination. Bruce was beating himself up silently and Steve just didn't have the words this time.

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