2 (Bitter Sweet Relationship)

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As the next day came....

The top 10 students start to packing.
Yaya's POV
Uhhhh...I can't believe that today we are going to the trip of hawai.yayyyy!!!!
Uh better be ready or Ying will be waiting for me.uh!! I can't choose what clothes to pack uhh 12 or 13 or 20 ah ha 20.20 clothes will be good for 5days. quick yaya quick I said to myself as I start to pack up my things..

Boboiboy's POV
Today I will be in hawai with my all friends.
Not all except one. YAYA YAH. She is not my friend but she is my enemy. I even can't look at her.
Ok boboiboy think good. Dont think of her.

At the airport...........
In the plane..........................

Yaya's POV.....
So.. yeah I am the topper of the exam so I am in the coolers group. I got my sit next to the window put my things in the place and put my earphones and listen to my favorite song. Some moments later I feel some one is sitting beside me. He put is hat on his face and sleeps so I don't see his face.
And yeah Ying is sitting beside her crush . Fang. She have to tell me many things about her flight I can't wait.

Uh, you know about me.but for your information I am single.i don't have any crush on some one.not a single bit cause whom I have a crush many years ago he hates me.so, hope you understand who it is .

(Yaya we all know who it is)

I am bored to listen to the song.so I thought it would be a good time pass to read some magazine. So I took a fashion magazine .when I about to close my bag my hand shook and the magazine fell on the person next to me.
"Uh excuse me. I am really sorry can you give me the magazine." I said to the person downing my head.
"Umm yess, here you go."he said
I rise my head . Don't Tell Me that IT is--

Boboiboy  POV.
I got into the plane and got my seat it is in the cooler zone. I get on the seat and saw a lady beside me looking through the window. I can't see her face.
I put my cap on my face and tried to sleep.
A few moments later I fell something on me fell and see it's a magazine of the lady beside me. She apologized to me . Her voice is very familiar. That's it she raise her head and it is her. YAYA YAH.

Authors POV..
"What in the world?!!" Said Boboiboy.

"Hey we are in a plane stop yelling dino cap." Said Yaya.

"oh ! Very funny miss pinky."said Boboiboy.

"Why I have to sit beside you.theres a lot of people."said Yaya.

"Hey it's not my fault that my ticket is beside you."said Boboiboy."let's make a deal in the whole flight I don't talk to you and you don't talk to me."

"Fine!! Mister." Said Yaya and snatch her magazine."my magazine".

Soo the whole flight is silent ...
After the flight...they thought they never see eachother.but their destiny is different from their thought.

YAYA POV...after landing.
Thank goodness now me and Ying will be together for 5 days. After landing I go to the mini bus and see all sits are booked except two. So I  immediately go to that sit and sit down.
Thought who will be sitting next to me.just then teacher Anni come and said "your sit partners will be your roommate."
"Sorry mam. I am late. I forgot my mobile in my plane sit."said Boboiboy as he came and huffed.

"ok Boboiboy you may sit beside miss yah. And will be her roommate. And it's final."said miss Anni.

What in the world!!!!!!me and he are roommate why it always happens to me?!!!!!

"What miss no.." said Boboiboy.

"Mister Boboiboy don't you heard that it's final."said miss Anni and go to her sit.
He comes and sit beside me."Miss perfect don't dare to talk to me. In the room."
"Oh please like here is no one to talk with me."I snapped.

" And don't dare to come near to me ."he said.

"Why are you talking with me don't you know how to quit." I said and hold my laughter to see him become red in anger.
"Isssh you "
So after the trip I go to my room.all is perfect but the bed is one.
In the room...
"Hey miss perfect the bed is mine . I don't go to sleep in the floor.he said.
"Nor me. I will sleep in the bed . If you have any problem then sleep in the floor". I said
"No I will sleep in the bed too"
"Ok so this will be the wall this side is mine and that side is yours"I said as I bordered the bed with a pillow.
And then I gone to refresh it's already 10:00 in the night so after it I came and sleep.

To be continued.....
stay tuned for next chapter.....
Bye have a safe day...

(Boboiboy X Yaya) Hate or Love  [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now