The stakeout

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Ruby snuck between the houses, binoculars in one hand and a notebook with a pen in the other one. It was pretty late in the evening so the sunlight was almost gone. Luckily her binoculars had night vision her brown hair was put up in a ponytail and she was wearing a black caps.

The man she had been hired to kill went into a Chinese restaurant, but she could still se him clearly. She decided to climb up on the roof, she took charge and jumped up to a fire escape hanging a few feet up on the wall. Ruby did some gymnastics and soon she was up on the roof. Being gymnastics champion in high school comes in handy when you're jumping around on the rooftops a lot. She starred down at her target. All she could see from her hiding place was that he had dark brown hair, he was wearing a classic business attire, A gray suit, tie and black polished shoes. Around him were three bodyguards in black suits with a facial expression that said "don't you dare"

Ruby wrote down the address and the name of the restaurant, then she climbed down from the roof. After she had put her notebook and binoculars into her backpack and secured it tightly she went out from the alley and continued her day like she hadn't just started to plan where she was going to kill a man tomorrow.

Will be walked with her head down looking at her shoes while walking fast towards the motorcycle that was parked by a restaurant.
Specifically the Chinese restaurant Sebastian had just been in. That was the last time she walked that fast without looking forwards because right then she bumped into something that felt like an unusually wide light post. She had also never seen I light post wearing clothes. She looked up and her chin almost dropped to the pavement. There stood the man she had just spied on from the roof. With a box of Chinese food in his hand.

"Uh... i'm sorry I-" she said, trying to get away as fast as possible.
"No, no it was my fault." Answered the man known as Sebastian Jenkins. " Tell me w where are you going so late at night if I may ask?"

"The same place you've just been it seems" Ruby said she lied so often that it was easy to come up with something believable very quickly. "I was just going in there to buy some Chinese food." She continued the lie while pointing to the restaurant behind Sebastian, hoping he would leave her alone.

"Oh, I haven't been in there yet"

Ruby looked at him with a questioning glance. "Where did you get those then?" She said pointing to the takeout boxes in his hand.

"Well, I have been in there but there was something I forgot to order so I have to go back."

There goes her plan to just walk in until Sebastian was out of view, and then walk out again. "Should we go in then?" Sebastian said and opened the door for them.

She struggled not to roll her eyes. Why did he have to be so chivalrous? They walked in together and went to the counter to order.
Ruby ordered a chop suey, she didn't usually eat food like this, not that she made a full home cooked meal every day, but junk food wasn't really her thing.

They were told to wait for ten minutes until the food was ready. Sebastian sat down at an empty table. Ruby didn't know what else to do so she sat down at the table so the faced each other.

"I'm Sebastian"

"What?" Ruby said, she had forgot that they hadn't been introduced. "Oh, yeah, I'm Ruby."

"Nice to meet you Ruby." They sat and talked for a while, Ruby tried to end the conversation but Sebastian always seemed to have something to say. After a while the food was ready and they said their goodbyes.

"Maybe we'll meet again sometime." Sebastian said when they were standing outside the restaurant.

"Yeah, maybe we will," Ruby answered while walking towards the motorcycle. "Probably sooner than you think," she mumbled to herself and started the conversation engine.

I totally did not forget about this at all. Ok maybe I did but it takes a surprising long time to translate a story. Sorry 'bout that. I'll try to post the next part tomorrow if I have time (and by that I mean if I'm not to lazy) so while you wait enjoy this picture of a squirrel.

 I'll try to post the next part tomorrow if I have time (and by that I mean if I'm not to lazy) so while you wait enjoy this picture of a squirrel

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