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The rain tickled down the window of the train while the landscape raced on the outside. The dripping sound of the autumn rain was deafened by the rambling of the train leaving the town she had called home for the last seven years. All because of one guy, Sebastian Jenkins. As little as three days before Ruby had her life all planned out. She would work as an assassin for the rest of her life, and of course she would finish her collection of knives. Ok maybe it wasn't knives but be honest who would believe that a badass assassin like her collected comic books. She would never fall in love, never get married, never have kids or grow old with the love of her life. And she was ok with that, until she met Seb.

I know it's short yeah yeah but I'll post the second one in like a day or something. I gotta translate it first
Hope you like it, not to brag but I got an A *hair flip*
That's it see ya soon!

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