"I do." He replies with a smile. "Yeah, I love her."

He looks happy, I'm actually glad to see it. Liams has been a good friend to me and I'm fully aware I never show it but I am actually very grateful for him, so I'm glad he's happy. As long as Josie doesn't get in my way or make him depressed then I'm fine.

"How did you know?" I ask again, shoving my hands into my pockets as he drives down some random road.

"She makes me happy and nervous at the same time because I don't want to let her down or disappoint her. It's like I can feel all her emotions too, like when she's happy I'm happy, when she's sad I'm sad, when she's angry I'm angry. I don't know, everything just feels easy so it's either love or I'm living in a dream." He tells me whilst smiling like a little school boy.


"How long did it take?"

He glances at me and raises one brow like I'm stupid. "Time means nothing Harry. I knew after a few weeks but it could take months, days, I don't know. Time doesn't matter when you know it's real."

Yeah well that was one long winded answer for a question he could've answered in six words but that's very interesting. I always read that it took months and you can't do big things like move in together until a year but I suppose Liams right. I mean why let old fashioned timings control modern day relationships?

"What's the difference between that and having feelings then?" I mutter back in response.

"Well erm...a crush is like an intense infatuation towards someone and love is similar to that but it doesn't go away. Love is more understanding the person and having feelings for them is more to do with attraction."


"Harry if you're trying to decide whether you love Harlow-"

"That's not what I'm doing smartarse, I'm asking about your relationship to show I'm interested in your life." I scoff, kicking my feet up on his dashboard with my arms folded.

The second my feet hit the surface Liam swatted them off and told me to get my 'manky feet off his new dashboard'. It's ironic because if I'm right in assuming he got up to something in here with Josie last night, my 'manky feet' should be the least of his worries.

Besides these shoes are pretty much new, I only started wearing them when I realised Harlow had the same pair. Only because I didn't realise they actually went with things I wore.

These sweatpants go great with these shoes if I do say so myself. So fuck Liam for ruining my 'looking cool' moment.

"Yeah, I'm sure that's why." He smirks.

I turn my head to him and stare with my brows raised "what the fuck is that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing, I'm just saying you sound awful curious for a man who's just showing interest and has also started spending time with a woman to do things other then sex."

"You're making me sound like a dick, Liam." I scowl back at him.

"Well..." he mumbles under his breath, almost as if I wasn't supposed to hear him but I can't be fucked arguing so I just let it slide.

I turn my head to face out the window, sitting up right in the passenger seat of his car trying to ignore the music that sounds like something only over 18s should be listening to. I hate this music so fucking much, it's killing me.

As Liams turns the corner down this street I've never been down before, I swear I catch a glimpse of someone familiar who is walking in the direction towards us. Still I'm unsure if my eyes deceive me or whether this is in fact the man whose head I'd gladly rip off right now.

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