♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐞𝐧 ♥

Start from the beginning

"Are you any good?"

"Any good?" John laughed. "Ha! Any fucking good, Ms Macca?!"

I giggled at the name, and Paul chuckled. George just looked amused. He didn't say much, obviously the quiet one of the group.

"We're so fucking good that we've been offered a tour!" John finished his bacon sandwich and tea, so gestured to the waitress for another cup.

I pushed mine across the table to him and he looked at me in surprise.

I shrugged, "not a big fan of tea -" The three boys gasped. "I'm not really a big fan of hot drinks in general. I much prefer a nice, cold glass of milk."

"Milk over 'ere, Phil!" Paul called over to the waitress. I assumed that her name wasn't just Phil, but that it was just an abbreviation or a nickname. She nodded and set about fulfilling the order.

"I'm goin' out fer a bit of fresh air." Paul turned to me, "you be okay here with Geo and John?" I nodded and Paul smiled, "try not to let them scare you." He teased before he stood up and left the diner.

John smirked at me and looked between George and I before he said, "I'm goin' for a piss." And he left, going to the back of the diner.

I turned to George now that we were alone.

"Looks like it's just me and you now, George."

"Lucky me."

I blushed at his reply because he sounded sincere... interested, even.

I hummed in reply, "so, um, how long have you been playing guitar?"

"Since about '56, so what's that? Um, five years?" I nodded, quickly doing the maths in my head. "I was thirteen, and I used to practice until my fingers bled -" I winced and he chuckled, "but that's what got me here today... we were in Hamburg until last month, and we recorded our first ever record there... Well, we were the backing band on one, anyway."

"That's really cool, Geo!" I enthused. George blushed, looking down at his empty plate. "I bet you sound great!"

"Well," he said in a slightly lower tone, raising his gaze to meet mine. I inhaled sharply, subconsciously holding my breath. "Come to the lunchtime show at the Cavern and find out."

Was he flirting with me?

I giggled, putting my hand over my mouth. "I just might... will there be people to dance with?" I asked, "I love to dance!"

"I like dancing, too." George replied with a small smile, his top lip curling up and a pair of fangs becoming visible.

A shiver ran through me.


My mind very quickly began to wonder what those fangs could do to me...

What was wrong with me? Imagining this boy's teeth in my neck... it wasn't like me.

Though now I had conjured the image in my mind, it was difficult to shake.

"You'll have to dance with me, then." I replied. "We'll see who's better."

"You'll win." George said, already blushing.

"Why's that?"

"Because nobody on that dance floor is going to look 'alf as beautiful as you -"

I blushed profusely and opened my mouth to reply, but my older brother reappeared, retaking his seat beside me.

"Oh," he said with a frown, "no John? Where'd he get off to?"

"The loo." I replied, "but that was a while ago -"

At that, the toilet door opened, and two people stumbled out. A girl no older than me, and John.

"Oh." I pointed to the two people. George and Paul followed my finger and smirked.

"He does that a lot."

"Is that his girlfriend?" I asked them.

Paul sighed. "No."

"His girlfriend's blonde, and really nice." George told me, "she'll probably be at the show. Her name is Cynthia."

"So who's that, then?" I asked quickly as John approached our table again, zipping up the fly of his trousers as he crossed the diner.

Paul shrugged. "Dunno, but DO NOT mention it to Cyn. Okay?"

I nodded. "Sure. Sure, of course."

John sat back down. "Let's get going, then."

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