♥ 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐢𝐱 ♥

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"I'll tell you later." I promised him before I closed the bedroom door so that it was just the three of us.

Emeraude's POV

I went further into the room, Paul taking his hand in mine as soon as he had closed the bedroom door behind me. I turned my head to him and he gave me a supportive, encouraging smile before leading me over to the bed where my father - our father - was.

It seemed too weird to think of that.

That I shared a parent with somebody else... two somebodies, actually.

I smiled at Jim. "Hello..."

Jim tapped the space beside him and Paul gestured for me to go. I did. Jim said, "hello... you're Emeraude?"

I smiled again, "in the flesh... am I everything that you expected me to be?"

Jim blushed as he replied, "you're everything and more. You're perfect, my dear. You have my hair but your mother's eyes, just as I always knew you would."

Paul and Mike and Jim all had brown eyes - and Paul's were the largest, but my eyes weren't.

My eyes were a clear, crystal blue.

Just like my mother's had been.

"Thank you."

"I was sorry to hear of her passing."

"Y-you knew...?" I asked in surprise.

"Paul told me just a few minutes ago. She was a lovely woman. I have a few photos of her, and I'd -" a cough overtook him. I winced because it sounded painful to him to cough so much. When he had stopped coughing, he continued, "I'd like to show you them one day."

"I'd like that."

Jim looked at me again, this time as if he was seeing me properly. "Gosh," he said, "you really do look like Myrtle." My eyes teared up at that. "Oh!" Jim exclaimed, wrapping his arms around me, which surprised me - I hadn't expected him to want to do such fatherly things with me this early on in our meeting, "you sweet girl, you must miss her sorely."

"I do." I told him, wiping some tears from my face. Paul left the room momentarily, and I heard him going downstairs. He came back up a minute later with some toilet roll in his hand. He closed the bedroom door once more and handed it to me. "Thanks, Paul." I said as I wiped my eyes.

"So you already met our Paul then, did you?" Jim asked, his arms still tightly around me.

I nodded. "Less than an hour after getting off of the plane and I met my brother."

"Have you met Mike yet?" I nodded again.

"In the hall, but he doesn't know that I'm..."

"Mike!" Jim called, leaning away from my ear so he wouldn't deafen me. The younger McCartney brother came running into the room. He saw me in Jim's arms and confusion appeared on his face.

"Letter girl."

"Postman Mike." I replied with a giggle.

"Mike," Jim said, "this is Emeraude."

"We met, dad."

"I haven't been completely honest with you, Mike, because I didn't think that this day would come so soon..." Jim trailed off, removing his arms from around me and gesturing for Paul and Mike to sit on the bed. Paul slid onto the bed beside me, and Mike sat at Jim's feet, albeit they were covered by the blanket. "Emeraude's mother was an American woman who I met while I was in New York for work. We, um..." he blushed, looking at me, "we spent some time together there, and nine months afterwards, Emeraude came along -"

"Emeraude's our sister?" Mike looked at me in awe.

I nodded and smiled. "That's gear!" He jumped up, "I always wanted a sister - but a younger one would have been nicer!"

Paul, Jim and I laughed. "Next time, I'll bear that in mind, son!" Jim teased.

The four of us laughed together and it felt good... it felt normal...

"Will you stay for dinner?" Jim asked me, turning his head to look at me.

I opened my mouth to reply, but before I could, my brother Paul said, "o'course she will, won't ye, Em?"

I looked at him and smiled, nodding.

"O'course." I replied.

"You're welcome anytime." Jim told me, wrapping his arms around me again, "morning, noon or night. Don't need to knock, luv, just come through the front -"

"Thanks..." I trailed off, not knowing what to call my own father.

"Whatever you're comfortable with." Jim said into my ear, but loud enough for the two boys to hear.

I looked at Paul. I was the most comfortable with him.

Paul nodded encouragingly.

"Thanks, dad...?"

"How long I've waited to hear you say that, Em." Jim said as he pressed a soft kiss to the side of my head.

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