Chapter Two:Old School

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(Ryder's POV)

i woke up at 7:30, making me have time for working out, i change into sweat pants and sports bra, i walk to the gym in the house, i started working out for an hour, Zac came in and saad "Come on time for breakfast", i nodded as he walk out, i wipe my self and jog to my room, i took a shower and change into

i woke up at 7:30, making me have time for working out, i change into sweat pants and sports bra, i walk to the gym in the house, i started working out for an hour, Zac came in and saad "Come on time for breakfast", i nodded as he walk out, i wipe...

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I grab my backpack and Guitar case

i wllk downstairs and saw everyone ready, Ross and Zac will driving the Twins to School while i drive my bike, Ben handed me the keys as i turned on my bike

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i wllk downstairs and saw everyone ready, Ross and Zac will driving the Twins to School while i drive my bike, Ben handed me the keys as i turned on my bike

and drove away, I arrive at school and park my bike, i stood next to my bike as my brothers car appears, My older brothers walk me and the twins inside, we all hug and Ross said "If someone mess with you sa-" Me and the Twins cut him off "Say the ...

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and drove away, I arrive at school and park my bike, i stood next to my bike as my brothers car appears, My older brothers walk me and the twins inside, we all hug and Ross said "If someone mess with you sa-" Me and the Twins cut him off "Say the 'My family lyrcs' We know brother" Ross and Zac laugh and said Goodbyies, me and my younger siblings walk in, we still have 30mins left before first period came, David ask "Whats your first period?" I said "Mine is Guitar lessons," Chloe look at me wierd and said "You litteraly know everything about instruments," i scoff and said "I still taking lesson im bored," David and Chloe nodded both of them have, Acting first, they spilt up as i walk into her class which only a fee teens inside, i avoided eye contact and walk to the back of the room place her bag into the floor and sat to a chair, i open my guitar case, i bring two types of guitar i got an Electric guitar and acoustic guitar,

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