She Gets Jealous

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You had spent the day with your bestfriend, Jennie. You guys had gone to the mall and to the park. Your birthday was 2 days ago, you were with your girlfriend Jisoo that day. So as a treat Jennie bought you whatever you wanted.  Meanwhile you girlfriend had made your favourite dinner, expecting you to be home by then. You didn't come home until 7:00  though. "Jisoo I'm back!" You call as you enter your shared house. "Hey"  she said sadly. You noticed that she had cooked but the food was now cold. "I'm so sorry I came back late. I was out with-" "Jennie," she states, cutting you off "I know." "Are you jealous?" You say teasing her. "No! Yes." She replies sadly. "You don't need to be. Jennie is just my friend, I only love you." 


You had tagged along with the girls to the studio. It was getting late and you were starting to get tired. Jennie was recording her part so Lisa offered you her shoulder to sleep on. You gladly accepted and laid your head down. You soon fell alseep and Lisa tried to stay as still as possible, not to wake you. Jennie came back and her girlfriend sleeping on somone else's shoulder. She felt her blood boil at the sight. Jennie glared at Lisa, making her kinda scared. "I'm sorry unnie, she was tired so I thought I'd let her sleep." Lisa explained. "Whatever." Jennie said rolling her eyes. She lifted your head on Lisa's shoulder and placed it on her own instead. 


Jisoo and you had gotten really close after Rosé introduced the two of you. You had gone over to Jisoo's house with the rest of the girls for the day. You were eating chips when Jisoo came and stole one. "Hey!" You yell, chasing her around the room. She tackled you playfully, she ened up stradding you practically. Rosé had been watching this whole thing and had enough. She pulled Jisoo off you before dragging you to the kitchen. "I don't like how close you and Jisoo are. Are you going to leave me for her?" 


Remember when I said she gets jealous easily? Here is an exapmle. You were also an idol and were attending an award show with you group. You girlfriends group blackpink was also there. You had gotten dressed and were going to sit down. You groups were right next to each other and blackpink was shocked when they saw you. "Omg Y/N you look beautiful!" Rosé gushed. "Thank you." You reply, bowing your head to be respectful, since this was in public and there were camareas everywhere. "Yeah you look great." Jennie agreed.  Lisa couldn't help but get jealous at this. "Can I talk to you?" She said. "Yeah of course." She leads you away from the group. "What's up?" You ask. "My bandmates are flirting with you." She said clenching her jaw. "Babe, no they aren't. It's jusy a compliment, even if they were, I already have you. I love you." "I love you too." 

A/N: do you have any suggestions on girl groups/soloists for me to make books on? 

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