Chapter 14 - End (?)

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It has nothing to do with theory! There's no theory here! Remember, this is only ff LN x reader! I will change the whole story a little bit for the sake of mutual convenience!


After finishing with Mono's business, this time we return to [Name]'s point of view. I mean, let's go back to the story where [Name] is being kidnapped right now.

If later the discussion will continue with Mono who wants to help [Name], it will end up repeating itself from the first. I don't want to waste a few words that I want to type to discuss from the beginning again based on Mono's point of view.

The story wouldn't end.

Okay, let's see where [Name] is and what she's doing. Apparently, [Name] was also in the black room and she was floating in the air like Mono before.

Looking more closely, she seems to be sitting cross-legged while playing chess with one of the girls there.

Wtf, She is feel very relaxed. Like didn't feel threatened when kidnapped.

At a glance, the girl who was accompanying [Name] playing chess was very similar to Six. It's just that if you take a closer look at her long hair, you definitely won't think that [Name] is currently playing with Six.

Yes, she is playing with a girl who is both wearing a yellow raincoat and her hair is in brown braids.

Twins? Nope.

She was born without a twin. If the twin nature of the devil may exist.

"WHY DO I LOSE AGAIN?!" [Name] screamed in disbelief while tugging at her braided brown hair out of frustration that she had lost for the 5th time.

That was a long time playing up until 5 times. Those who are still fighting in another world are still alright, right?

"You lost because you didn't think strategically. You wanted to win first but there was no progress. Just like you, trying to help Mono, but failed."

[Name] feeling stabbed in the heart when she heard the girl say that while sipping tea.

Oh yeah, you must be wondering why [Name] could be in a dark room like Mono before while playing chess with a little girl who is her twin. The answer is because [Name] was kidnapped.

Yes, kidnapped.

But why is her twin here?

 Just a moment, before that, let's just call her twin, Veronica, so that she has her name. Too bad she doesn't have a name. Shall we call the yellow coat according to its nickname from the abbreviation RG?

The developer is really brave

[Name] was kidnapped in a semi-conscious state. After being fully conscious, this [Name] asked Veronica why she was there.

Veronica who was asked instead of answering, served [Name] tea while taking out dusty chess for them to play while time stopped.

Those who ask how the battle is, have already been informed. So it's safe for them because they freeze, right?

"Oh yeah, I forgot."

[Name] said as she took a sip of the tea which was almost pretty cold before finally changing her happy expression to an annoyed one.

"Answer my question now! Why am I here?!"

"You have to beat me at chess before I answer it." While sipping tea, Veronica elegantly said it.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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