Slowly, I flutter my eyes open and see we were in the clinic. I was seated on a hospital chair.

"Where's my uncle?" I ask Yuzu right away. As soon as I said that, the door opened and I saw Uncle Brian and a doctor enter the room. 

"I'm sure you were watching her skate, right Doctor?" Uncle Brian asked. 

"Yes, I was watching. From the looks of it, she fell kind of hard on her knee during her triple axel." The doctor replied as he started to ice and compress my right knee.

This time, it was Yuzu who asked. "That was the 2nd jump out of all the jumps. How come she didn't feel the pain right away?" Huh... that makes sense. I turn to look at the doctor to listen attentively.

"Well, I'm sure you're aware of this Mr. Hanyu but during your skate, you tend to have increased adrenaline. This kind of makes you forget any sort of pain during the rest of your program. Hence, the pain feels like its intensified after you're done. Maybe that's why Luna only felt the pain as soon as she heard her scores because there was still too much adrenaline running through her as of that time." The doctor explained thoroughly, leaving the ice on my knee before standing back up.

"So what exactly is wrong with her knee?" Uncle Brian asked.

"Well, it doesn't seem like she has torn a ligament because otherwise she wouldn't have been able to walk. However, she may have pulled a ligament on her right knee." 

Silence fell upon the room as I could not muster any kind of reaction from the information he just said.

"Is it... is it serious? Can I still skate for the next few days?" As I spoke, I could feel Yuzu's hand run up and down my back and my uncle's hand on my shoulder. 

"Well... if you can bear the pain, Ms. Saito, yes. Yes you can. We will have to continuously ice and compress it before the event. And you should also take pain relievers when you do decide to push through just to lessen the pain." The doctor explained. 

Without even looking at Yuzu and my uncle, I reply immediately. "I can bear the pain. I'll do it."

"But Luna-" Yuzu was about to protest when the doctor spoke again.

"I do have to warn you, Ms. Saito. Pushing through which such an injury can lead to a more serious one that may cause you a lifetime of complications. Worsening that injury may mean you can no longer skate for the rest of your life." 

I'm supposed to feel worried with what he said right? Any other skater who would hear this would feel like their world just crumbled down upon them. Meanwhile, I'm just here. As I heard what he just said, I just chuckle lightly.

"Doctor. I have nothing to lose. I'll still do it." I reply immediately with a genuine smile this time. 

From my peripheral vision, I could see Yuzu bow his head down sniffling lightly. It seems that my uncle felt that me and Yuzu should talk alone. 

"Let's let her rest first. Yuzu, I'm leaving her in your care. Doctor, what else should we do before the ladies' event?" Uncle said, gesturing for the doctor to have a talk outside of the room. 

Once again, complete and utter silence. I could only hear Yuzu lightly sniffling as if he was holding back his tears.

"Hey. What's wrong? Are you okay? Are you in pain? Is your ankle hurting?" I ask worriedly as I reach for his hand, trying to look up to his face but was covered with this bangs.

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