New Gym Teacher

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I was perfecting the flips that I used to do all the time back when I was a little kid. Who knew my reckless behavior from my time as a little kid, would come back to help me now? I know this will definitely help me out in a tight spot.

I then rushed towards Mr. Karasuma, who dodged my first strike with ease. I did a cartwheel, tossing my knife and caught it when I back up, attempting to lunge the knife into his side, which he blocked. I gave him a small smile, and went off towards Karma, who had two blades.

We then began sparring with each other, trying to outdo the other. Karma may have been doing this type of thing for a long time, but he doesn't have the flexibility that I do. I used that to my advantage, which he just smirked at. 

"Look at you, giving this your all."

"It's pretty fun seeing you on the ropes, not gonna lie. Think I'll be able to land a hit on you first one day, Karma?"

"Maybe, but that isn't today."

Karma had the knife jabbed into my arm, causing me to burst out into a fit of giggles. We heard the bell, and Karma pulled me into his side as we walked back into the building to change out of our gym uniforms. That's when we saw this guy talking to Mr. Karasuma, who seemed to know him pretty well.

He introduced himself as Takaoka, and apparently he was giving Mr. Karasuma a hand from now on. Does that mean he's going to be teaching us or something? I glanced at Karma, and he didn't seem to be impressed with the teacher for some reason. I looked back at Takaoka, and I understood why. He wasn't something that really stood out to me as, impressive like our other teachers are.

He seems to, friendly. Like the creepy type of friendly honestly. I wonder what it will be like having him as our new teacher?


He brought a bunch of sweets, which honestly looked pretty good to eat. But I don't really want to eat anything like that, it just doesn't sound that good at the moment. Everyone else began digging in, but Karma didn't dig in. He was just not going to attend his lessons, which I thought was a bit unreasonable. He shouldn't just skip class whenever he doesn't want to be there.

It will look bad on his transcripts, that much is for sure. I stood in line, along with my classmates while the others joked around with him. I just felt on edge, which was making my anxiety worse than it usually would be. I just couldn't shake it off, and it was bothering me.

"Alright guys, with a new gym teacher, we also have a new schedule!"

He handed us the papers showing us the new schedule, and I gawked at what I saw. We now have ten periods, and practically all of them are dedicated to this class alone. A regular school day lasts up til nine at night! What about studying for tests? What are we supposed to do then? I watched as he kneed Maehara in the gut, which made my blood run cold at the sight.

"Excuse me sir, but I have a life outside of school to think about. I have to spend time with my family and friends, I can't do this every single day!"

Takaoka walked over to me, then he slapped me sending me away from the class while I groaned in pain. I should have just kept my mouth shut instead of opening it. 


 I saw Nagisa run towards me, holding his hand out towards me. I took, slowly pulling myself up while I held my cheek. I'm glad that Karma wasn't here to see this. At least this only happened to me and Maehara, no other girl had to deal with his hit. I watched as Takaoka began swinging his arm, as if he was getting ready to hit someone again.

"If anyone else needs some non-verbal enforcement, daddy is happy to oblige!"

"Hey, stop it!"

I felt someone lightly put their hands on my neck, and I glanced up to see Mr. Karasuma on his knees beside me.

"Did he twist your neck? Try turning you head."

I did as he asked, not feeling any pain in my neck. I just felt the stinging in my cheek, which wasn't a nice feeling.

"I'll be okay, promise."

I stood up, and I moved as far as I could away from Takaoka, trying to stay out of his line of sight. I glanced to see the dispute between Koro-sensei and Takaoka, but I knew there was nothing that he could do. He could do whatever he sees fit, he's training us to kill Koro-sensei after all.


I watched Nagisa, as he held a real knife. I didn't understand what drove Mr. Karasuma to pick Nagisa for this, but he must have his reasons. He usually knows what he's doing, so I trust his decision. Whatever he sees in Nagisa, he thinks that Nagisa can handle himself against Takaoka.

I silently watched Nagisa walk towards Takaoka, with a smile on his face. He acted like nothing was wrong with the world, as if he was just walking towards a friend's house. Then, he bumped into Takaoka, staying still for a second. Then, he pounced on him, slicing his knife upwards, throwing Takaoka off.

Then, Nagisa pulled him down to the ground, and went behind him putting the knife against his throat, with a freaking smile on his face. I gaped at the sight, seeing Takaoka unable to move, and I knew for a fact, that Nagisa had something special in him. Whatever it was, this was something I would never forget.

"Looks like I win."

I walked over to Nagisa, a smile on my face while I pulled him up. The rest of our classmates soon followed my lead, talking about what just happened. To say the very least, I think we all were insanely impressed with how nonchalant Nagisa was, that's for sure. 

We all watched as Takaoka got handed a pink slip, then he ran off leaving our campus. I think that means Mr. Karasuma is back to being our teacher again. I smiled at the thought, and I began heading back to the class so then I could change and head home for the day. It was definitely a long day, and I for one, am glad that it's over.

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