Field Trip

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"Mother, I have to be with my class next week! We're going to Kyoto!"

My mother was flipping through her magazine, lightly humming. She was thinking about something, but I have no idea what she could be thinking about.

"You do realize that I'm going to Kyoto this week. You could join me, then meet up with your classmates for the rest of the week. I just have to talk to your homeroom teacher about it. His name was Mr. Karasuma, right?"

"Yes, it is mother. But why can't I just stay in class and then go with them next week instead? It would save the hassle and I would be with my friends."

"You mean, you would be with Karma?"

I felt my cheeks turn a dark red at the mention of my boyfriend, which I didn't appreciate very much at the moment. 

"Mother! I have friends, and it wouldn't be just me and Karma the whole time!"

"I hardly see you at our house anymore, it's got quite boring since you haven't been playing the piano as much lately. All cause you're studying so hard, which is a great thing. But sometimes taking a break is a good thing too, you know."

I know where my mother is coming from, she always has been supportive of getting a good education and following my passions. But sometimes, she worries just a bit too much at times. But, it's better than Karma's parents, who are usually never home. Karma usually enjoys spending time with my mom, which is kind of a weird thing to do honestly.

"Sakura, you're spending the first week with me, and that is final. Now, you may want to start packing your bags. I'll go with you tomorrow to talk to Mr. Karasuma about our plans. I'm sure he would be more than delighted that you'll still be going on the trip with the rest of your classmates."

I sighed, trudging my way up to my room to begin packing. Once my mother has an idea, she won't stop until the idea is complete, that much is for sure.


My mother managed to get the okay, and I am currently with my mother in Kyoto, watching her work her magic. My mother is a lawyer, and she wanted to take me to Kyoto, since she had to stay there while she talked to her client about their case. That's my mother for you, a shark in her line of work. 

I just really hope that I can buy some souvenirs while we're in Kyoto. Maybe I can even buy something for Karma, something that he would definitely like. I did see a cool knife in one of the stores that we passed on our way here. He would definitely like that, and I could see him today as well! I think that's when my class was planning on coming to Kyoto.

"Hey mother, mind if I do some souvenir shopping? I want to get some stuff for my room."

"That's perfectly fine dear, and I've already sent your stuff to the hotel that your class is currently staying in. Now, you go and have some fun during the overnight field trip alright?"

"Okay, I will mother. I love you, see you when I get back!"

"Love you too dear!"

I rushed out of the building, letting my mother do what she does best. Now, onto the more important things. Finding something that knife I saw earlier! I began my search through the busy streets, excited to see the wonders that this place had to offer. Although, I did run into some guys who were looking at me weirdly. Hopefully, I don't run into them again. 

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