I eventually found the knife, and I bought it, wrapping it up in red wrapping paper. I then texted Karma, asking where he and our group was at. I wanted to make sure that I surprised the group when they saw me, didn't want them thinking that I was just going to pull a no show.

I soon managed to find our group, and I walked over grabbing onto Karma's hand, smiling at him.

"Hey Sakura, you hungry? We were just about to get something to eat."

"Yeah I am! Oh yeah, I have a little surprise for you when we get back to our hotel, you're going to love it!"

"Oh yeah? What did you do?"

"You'll see later!"

He grabbed my hand, and we began walking ahead of the group taking in the sights around us.

"This place really is a ghost town huh,"

Ayano said, which I nodded my head at. Perfect place to assassinate Koro-sensei, since we could hide practically anywhere. We all talked about what we would do for our attempt on Koro-sensei, when suddenly those guys I saw from earlier appeared, which made my anxieties sky rocket the moment I saw them.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but something tells me you guys aren't tourists."

"Don't try to play hero carrot top, just hand over your lady friends and-"

I saw Karma move and knock him down, with a smirk on his face. But I could see his tense form, I recognized his anger anywhere.

"See, without any witnesses, it's basically a free for all. So, go nuts guys."

Soon, Karma was dealing with the next guy that came, but I felt someone wrap their arms around me, while I tried to get out of their arms.

"Let go of me already!"

Karma turned, and I saw pure anger cross his face. He was about to come and get me, when he got knocked down to the ground by one of the other guys that surrounded us. He then was getting ganged up on, and I felt tears running down my face.

"Leave him alone! Stop hurting him!"

I was soon taken away, and put into a car with Kayano and Kanzaki. I couldn't stop that picture that was in my head, seeing Karma getting beaten, not able to do anything but shield himself. Oh god, I hope he's okay. Please be okay, please be okay. 


I sat still, praying that Karma was alright. He was ganged up on, and I hope that these high school students didn't do anything that would be life threatening. Kayano just stared at me, sending me a pitiful look. I don't want any pity, I just want to make sure that Karma is okay.

"We got little miss perfect, miss angel, and miss party girl. Seems like we have quite the group here boys. We're going to have some fun, taking a bunch of photos. I bet the little angel here would enjoy that, she seems like the type."

I glanced up at the high schooler, who was eyeing me like I was some piece of meat. Why do I always get targeted for something disgusting like this? I looked away, and I felt myself start hyperventilating. I don't even know what was happening, I couldn't really bring myself to think.

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