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"To pull this off, you'll need to drink this potion. It won't undo your original potion, it might even leave you with some temporarily or permanently damaged memories. It's designed to break apart the wall in your mind separating your two identities." Madam Pomfrey explained. Alexandra nodded. "It will hurt. A lot. But for that, we will sedate you and keep you asleep for a week. We'll administer nourishment potions. Do you understand?"

"Yes, ma'am." Alexandra agreed.

"Do you have any questions?"

"No, ma'am."

"And you're aware that, as an adult, this is entirely your decision?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Alright. You'll be in a private room at the end. Do I understand correctly that you give permission for your siblings and Hermione to visit while you are unconscious?"

"Yes, ma'am."

"Then let's get started." The matron smiled comfortingly at Alexandra. She attempted a smile of her own but it came out shaky.

*one week later*

Hermione was sitting beside Alex with the runes book she'd gotten on Christmas.
"The calm rune is really similar to the hunger rune." She said, before sneaking a look at Alex. "What, you don't have an answer to that? Doesn't it annoy you? Don't you want to wake up and forbid me from ever even looking at another rune for saying that I get calming runes and hunger runes mixed up?" There was no reply. "Okay, fine. I'm going to take Ron and Harry to see Kichiro."

"Are you trying to provoke her into waking up again?" Madam Pomfrey asked walking in. Hermione looked up sheepishly.

"Just a little." She replied.

"Don't worry, she'll be up and talking in a few minutes." Madam Pomfrey said, walking over.

Hermione waited patiently for Alex to open her eyes. She sat up alert when she heard her friend groan. She watched carefully and Alex's eyes fell on her, confused. "Who are you?" Hermione's face fell and Alex broke into a grin. "I'm kidding, Hermione Jean Granger. I know exactly who you are. That was payback for being so irritating while I slept. And don't you dare take the boys to see Kichiro."

"It is you!" Hermione smiled widely. "You heard me?"

"Yes, I did." Hermione reached down and gave her friend a hug.

"I hate you so much." She said, squeezing her tight.

"Yeah, I know." Alex hugged her just as hard.

"You owe me, like, months of pampering and grovelling and getting back into my good graces." Hermione said, budging on to Alex's bed.

"As soon as Madam Pomfrey gives me the all-clear, I'm yours. Whatever you want- however you wanna make me regret being born. I'll even pretend that I already don't." Hermione rolled her eyes.

"You're awake!" Ron was at the door. Alex looked up at her brother.

"Ron." She smiled at him.

"I'll come back later." Hermione jumped up off the bed.

"Come, sit." Alex invited, once her friend left.

"It didn't work, then?" Ron asked.

"It did, I remember everything." She said.

"But you're being nice."

"I had a lot of fun the past couple months. I don't want to go back to the way things were before." She said. "But there is something you need to know."

"Are you dying?" She laughed.

"No. No, I'm fine. I'm totally fine. The potion worked, I've got my memories. I'm physically fine."

"What's wrong then?"

"Seriously, Ronald. Sit." She said. He took a seat on the chair hesitantly. "I'm your sister, right?" He nodded. "And you love me?" He pulled a face but eventually nodded. "Because we've known each other all our lives and have grown up together and you know who I am, even without knowing my secrets."

"Are you sure you're not dying?"

"I'm not dying!" She said. "I'm adopted, though."

"You know, that prank worked once when I was eight. Do Fred and George really think it'd work again?" He looked around for the twins.

"They didn't put me up to this. I biologically don't share the same genetic material as you or the rest of our siblings." He blinked. "It's a fact, Ron. Mum and dad confirmed. We've had many conversations about it, actually."

"Wait, is that why you've been so mean for the past few years? You're scared that I care that you're not technically related to me?"

"Well, it's more about who I'm technically biologically related to than not." She took in a deep breath. "Ron, promise me you won't hate me."

"Okay. Whatever, I guess."

"My biological mother's father was..." she paused trying to gather up the nerve. "Voldemort."


"Biologically, and in nothing else." She was quick to add.


"He's a monster, I know. I don't want to have any ties to him. The only thing we share is blood." She looked at him.

"Yeah, I know. I believe you. You're my sister." She smiled. "Did you always know?"

"No. I found out five years ago. When I was gone- when I was missing, it was him. He took me, or more accurately had a minion take me."

"Wait, why did you say you ran away? When you came back, why wouldn't you tell us?"

"I was twelve, and I was scared."

"But you knew he wasn't gone. Before Quirrell came, you knew he was back." She didn't answer. "Did you know Quirrell was the bad guy?"

"I did try to tell you it wasn't Snape."

"You didn't tell us it was Quirrell. He could have gotten away with the philosopher's stone! He could've brought Voldemort back- he almost did. Because you insisted you ran away and spent the year living in the muggle world. How could you be so selfish?"

"I was scared." She told him, but Ron had formed his opinion. He wasn't wrong. She did choose not to say anything, and Quildemort almost got away with the philosopher's stone.

A/N- So, heh heh. Oops. Ron's got a bad reaction. Just like Alex has been afraid of.

Anyways favourite line is "You owe me, like, months of pampering and grovelling and getting back into my good graces."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now