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The sisters bumped into the trio on the landing.
"Just the people we were looking for." Alexandra grinned. Harry looked reluctant.

"What are you up to?" Hermione asked.

"Don't ask her that. She's going to make us do something."

"Don't be silly, Ronald. It's presents time."

"You got us something? There wasn't anything in my room."

"Yeah, I didn't put it under the tree last night. I wanted to personally give mine out."

"Oh. Why?"

"Because they're personal and why are you arguing about getting gifts? Don't you want anything?" He opened his mouth to say something but she cut him off. "Never mind. Just here." She handed him a box.

"Is this another homework diary? Hermione already got us one of those."

"Will you just open it?" He opened the box.

"It's a quidditch book on tactics and manoeuvres."

"I know you don't like reading but it's mostly pictures." She told him teasingly. "You don't have to be so worried about your quidditch ability. It runs in the blood. No Weasley sucks, except Percy. But considering he disowned us, I'm not sure he counts anymore."

"Thanks." He took the book. Alexandra turned to Hermione.

"You're not allowed to get me anything for at least two holidays, including Christmas and my next birthday." Hermione said before she could say anything.


"We had a deal. You might not remember, but there's a gift ban on you."


"Because my birthday gift was worth a hundred gifts..." she paused. "Sentimentally. And you promised."

"Well, I don't remember so it doesn't count. Please accept this gift?"

"Didn't she get you a healing potion that you used on me for your birthday?" Harry asked.

"On your birthday, I got you a gift for Harry?" She asked.

"Well, that was what you got me publicly. And you didn't know it was for Harry at the time. You also got me a second gift which is kind of a secret so I can't tell you."

"But it's me. How can you not tell me my own secret?"

"Because you don't remember. But it was really nice." Hermione said.

"Well, if I can't know, then it doesn't count so you have to accept this gift."

"I-" she started but stopped. Eventually she sighed and held out her hands.

"Ooh, I like your bracelet." She was wearing a bracelet with a red gem.

"It's from Victor Krum." Ron pulled a face.

"Don't you love him?" Alexandra asked.

"Krum was a champion in the tournament last year." Hermione rolled her eyes. "Ron just hates that Krum asked me to go to the Yule ball with him a month before he came to the conclusion that I am a girl."

"What did he think you were?" Alexandra snickered and Ron glared at his sister. She moved on and handed Hermione a parcel. "This is a bit of a hand-me-down, I'm afraid." Hermione pulled out the humongous book. "The girls say Professor Babbling recommended it to me because it's an overview of ancient runes for grades three to seven. I've read it and I made some notes in the margins, but I thought you might like to use it yourself."

"I do!" Hermione said, her eyes shining. "It's great, Alex!" She faltered. "Sorry, Alexandra. Thanks, though. Really, it'll be proper useful, especially for the rune charm we have to make next year."

"Good, because I'm expecting you to be Babbling's next favourite."

"Oh please. You're only her favourite because you asked her about hieroglyphs of Saph's chains."


"Long story." Hermione shook her head. "Thanks." Alexandra smiled back and turned to Harry who didn't look like he expected anything.

"Okay, this is a glamour balm. It can cover up scars, new or old. I know you hate yours so I thought you might like to use this. Especially when you go out in public and you don't want to be identified." She handed him a jar.

"That's a thing?"

"It's my own personal blend." She told him. "I use it on myself all the time. I have these scars on my shoulder and my arm- they're really weird and I don't know where they came from. It works like a dream."

"Wait, what kind of scar on your arm?" Hermione suddenly looked very stern and Alexandra wondered why she looked so angry.

"I don't know. It was kind of faint." Alexandra rolled up her sleeve. "I think the balm might have worn off since yesterday. Usually I apply it every morning, but I wasn't planning to leave my room until later on when we visit dad." Harry paled as he saw the scar and Hermione looked murderous. "Um... what?"

"Hey, Harry, that looks like yours." Ron said.

"It is like mine." He answered. "It's exactly like mine, except fainter." He looked at Alexandra. "What a surprise. You lied. Again."

"I don't remember any of this. Why do we have the same scars?" He pulled up his sleeve. In bolder pink lines, the words 'I must not tell lies' were written. She looked down at her arm. "So that's what it says."

"I got this in detention with Umbridge." Ginny gasped. "You found out and you told me to stop going for my second week. You said you had a spell that could make a clone and fool Umbridge since I wouldn't go to a teacher."

"And you believed that?" Alexandra asked dubiously.

"Well, I didn't get in trouble with Umbridge the next day so yes I believed you. Besides, I've stopped questioning magic."

"You can't clone someone, at least not anything more than a holographic video and even they need to be prerecorded. The closest is a polyjuice and that turns you into a person physically."

"Hermione talked to you and she said it was cloning."

"I lied too." She said. "But I didn't know what she'd done. I checked her arms just in case she'd done something like this, but I didn't know about the balm so I let her keep her secrets. As long as she wasn't hurting herself. I should've known better."

"I'm sorry." Alexandra said. "I don't really remember any of that, but I don't regret it, I think. Umbridge was hurting him, and if I stopped that- even once, then I'm okay with it. I am sorry about lying about it though."

"You were probably operating under the assumption that Harry would get into trouble again and might need you to help him out. And that he wouldn't let you if he knew how you were helping." Ginny said.

"I am sorry for deceiving you, though." Alexandra apologised. Harry just looked away. She closed her box. "We should go, we promised mum we'd bake some cookies together. Anyone want to help?" There was silence. "Let me rephrase, Ronald you have no choice. Mum's upset because of Percy and you will come help cheer her up. And you two don't have any obligation to, but it would really cheer her up if you did."

Five minutes later, all five of them headed to the kitchen, ready to bake.

A/N- so... heh heh... oops. Alex totally messed up and left Alexandra to pay the price.

Favourite line is "Ron just hates that Krum asked me to go to the Yule ball with him a month before he came to the conclusion that I am a girl."

Alexandra Weasley: Book 5Where stories live. Discover now