The next day I took my car to get to the company and found a great parking space not too far away.

I didn't really do anything to my hair and didn't put any make up on so they could do anything they wanted with my hair and face.

I was feeling very nervous as I entered the company and made my way to the front desk. As I waited I looked around and tried imagining walking through those doors in two weeks as the CEO of this company.

"Miss Clarens?"

I turned around and saw a middle aged woman around my mothers age, smiling widely at me.

"Yes. Nice to meet you." I said and shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you, too. I'm Mrs. Franklin I'll basically be your contact person for today so if you have any questions please ask. First stop is hair & make up."

She lead me to the elevator and pressed the button right under the photography floor.

I was made ready in no time and suddenly felt very nauseous as we made our way to the photography floor.

As we exited the elevator I noticed not many people were on the floor. It was a bit unusual but maybe it was because my dad wanted to keep everything a secret as best as he could.

"The photographer will be right with you." Someone filled me in and I just nodded, taking my place in front of the white wall.

Everything was very quiet until suddenly there was a slam of a door and everyone's head turned to the source of the noise.

Of course, who else would take the stairs.

Before he could even see me he was already talking with some of the people that were responsible for the lights and stuff.

Before I knew it everyone took their place and there was more talking going on. People giving other people instructions and just like that the camera was on me.

"I'm Har-"

I noticed him tense up as he finally looked at me through the lense of his camera.

"Hi." I said as he lifted his head a little until his eyes met mine. The stare was so intense that it was almost awkward, knowing that everyone must've noticed.

I heard someone cough, snapping us out of it and making us get to work.

He gave me a few instructions on how to pose and I tried my best doing everything that was expected of me.

However, it was weird knowing that he was watching my every move through the lense of his camera.

"I think we got it." Someone said and Harry stepped away from the camera to take a look at the monitor.

Mrs. Franklin went to look as well and soon enough gave me a thumbs up.

I'm sure I'd get to see the pictures sooner or later so I didn't bother making my way towards them.

I went to change into my own clothes and as I pressed the elevator button I heard the door to the stairs open.

"I thought Wes was kidding when he said you'd be here today." He said and I quickly looked around to see if anyone was watching before walking towards him and closing the door so we could talk alone.

" were great! What was it for? No one told me beforehand I jumped in for someone last minute." Harry explained, leaning against the wall.

What was it for...

"Just uhm...this business article."

What am I doing?

"I was actually going to tell you yesterday. I went to your apartment but you were out with Wes." I quickly added.

"I went to your apartment, too." He admitted, catching me of guard.

"You did?" I asked suddenly feeling tingly inside.

"Yea, after the game but I apparently you were already sleeping. Probably for the best because I was a bit hammered." He chuckled and I joined him.

As we both looked into each others eyes we were caught up in a moment again.

I stepped towards him as if something was pulling me towards him and when his hands touched my waist I realized how much I missed the feeling of his hands touching me.

He leaned down a little and I met him halfway until our lips met.

He turned us around as my back was against the wall as he deepened the kiss. My hands were running through his hair as he lifted one of his to place on the back of my head as if trying to pull me closer.

However we were quickly interrupted as footsteps came our way and someone's voice echoing from just a floor above us.

"Everything went perfect Mr. Clarens. Your daughter Anastasia will look great on the front page to reveal her as the new CEO."


oh damn

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