Chapter 17

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I've never ran faster in my whole entire life.

The second he saw me his eyes went wide and he tried taking a step towards me but I ran.

I heard him yell my name multiple times but I didn't stop. Never would I ever waste one more second on him.

My vision was blurry from all the tears that started spilling out of my eyes so it was hard to maneuver the car all the way back to my apartment complex.

It took me longer than usual because even though I wanted nothing more than to be home right now I knew if I stepped on the gas it wouldn't end very well.

I shouldn't even be driving in the state I was in but I couldn't care less right now.

The second I parked the car I let out uncontrollable sobs and the tears started flowing like a waterfall.

It hurt so bad.

I didn't even bother wiping my eyes because the tears simply didn't stop. It was when I saw headlights coming towards the entrance of the building that I wiped my eyes just to see Trey getting out of a taxi.

I quickly got out, locked my car and ran through the doors where the lobby was empty and no one was in sight.

"Ana! Please!" Trey yelled as he caught up to me.

"Leave me alone!" I screamed at him not caring if anyone saw our interaction.

"I didn't mean to. I promise!"


He took a couple steps towards me but every time he did I took steps back until I was standing with my back against the wall.

"I hate you! I never want to see you again! EVER!" I screamed in his face and hit his chest multiple times so he would get away from me.

"Baby, I'm really-" He started but I interrupted him.

"You don't get to call me that anymore! Leave!"

"Ana, please."

"I hate you and I wish you never came into my life. If you ever come here again or try to contact me I will call the police. Now get the fuck out!"

And with that he turned around, walked through the doors and left.

I was just about to let out a pained scream when I saw someone standing by the door that lead to the staircase.

This was the last thing I needed right now.

Before he could even blink I disappeared into the elevator who's doors had just opened as someone exited.

The second I was safely in my own apartment, I cried.

I was so dumb to ignore the accusations. So so dumb. I wanted to believe that I for once found a guy who would actually feel the same way about me as I was feeling about him.

A guy who would just care. Ask how my day went. Take me out on dates. Cuddle me while we watch a movie. Look at me like I was the most important thing to him.

And here I was, thinking I had all that but in reality I had nothing.

While it felt like I was drowning in my own tears I suddenly heard someone knock on my door but I didn't even bother to go open it.

The knocking didn't stop for two whole minutes so I decided to get up and look through the hole to see no other than Wes standing in front of my door.

Instead of telling him to go away I opened the door and fell right into his arms, sobbing.

"Oh Ana." Was all he said and for the next hour or so we didn't say a word which I was more than thankful for.

He held me as I cried into his arms and I couldn't ask for a better best friend than him.

"How did you know?" I asked as I started to calm down a little.

"Harry called me." He answered and I just nodded at that.

Wes tried to confort me for what felt like hours and hours on end until I eventually fell asleep because of how exhausted I was from crying so much.

When I woke up the next day I was laying in my bed with the clothes I had on yesterday. I found the strength to change into comfortable clothes and went to the kitchen which was connected with the living room area.

On the couch I saw Wes still sleeping like a baby so I tried not to disturb him as I made some breakfast for us.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" I heard Wes' asking after a while when I was almost done with cooking breakfast.

"Like shit."

"You know, you deserve better than him. It's so cliché for me to say that but you're a wonderful person and he's a bag of trash that's been rotting for a while." Wes said, making me smile a little.

"I just wish not all guys I meet are assholes." I said putting the scrambled eggs onto two plates.

"Well, you met me. I'm nice, right?" He grinned and I just shrugged, jokingly which made both of us chuckle.

"You're the bestest friend I ever had and I was such an asshole to you. I'm very sorry for how I acted and all that. I guess I was brainwashed or something."

"Did you just friendzone me?" Wes gasped and pressed both his hands to his chest where his heart is, pretending that he was in pain as if I had just stabbed him with a knife.

"Oh shut it. I was trying to apologize here." I waved him off and handed him a glass of orange juice.

"Ana, you already know I ain't mad at you for trying to see the good in him but next time listen to what your bestie is saying alright?" He said and started stabbing his fork into the scrambled eggs.

"Fine." Was all I said and started eating as well.

Now, I just needed to figure out how to swap departments again and how I will end this internship for good.


i need more harry in this wth

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