I nodded
"Okay Noe" I smiled
"And do not forget we have the ball on Olympus in 2 weeks" she said, plaiting my hair
"Okay" I said
"And mother is coming back earlier due to the wars" she said
"Alright" I groaned, letting my head fall back.

Macaria's Outfit

Macaria's Outfit

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"Stop whining. If I do not remind you, you will only forget" she said.
Noe was always doing this. Acting like our mother when she was not here.
I loved her for it. But I always missed mother so much when she was at Demeter's.

Noe was not even the eldest, she just took it upon herself to be the 'sensible' one.

"So... will you be attending the ball with a partner?" She asked amused
I sighed
"You know it is not that simple" I said
"No, but you cannot hide forever, sooner or later father will find out and you know just as well as I do that it will bode you better to come clean before you are outed" she said.

I nodded
"I know" I said
"You are smart Cari, you know you will have to tell him" she said
"I know Noe... goddess... just let me breathe" I chuckled, standing up
"Hm, hard to considering the state in here" she commented, striding over to the curtains and throwing them open.

"When was the last time you let a maid in here?" She asked
"Alright I am leaving" I said exhausted
"Good. And tell him" she called after me.

"I will be giving you more duties amongst Asphodel. Just as Thanatos will be taking on more around Tartarus" father explained
He has been talking for what felt like hours.

"Do you not think that is a little tedious father?" I asked
"What do you mean?" He asked, quirking a brow up
"I mean... you cannot keep giving me duties in the 'safe areas' as you always deemed them" I said.

"And leave Than to deal with the dark souls" I said
He looked at me for a moment, blinking once... then twice
"Than?" He asked curiously, taking me back slightly
I tried to compose myself before speaking again.

"I just... I am capable of more. You do not need to hold me back" I said honestly, I did want to take on more.
I wanted to make my mark in my role. Instead of doing all the 'easy' jobs because father was the ruler.

"I shall think about it" he said
I nodded
"Thank you. How is mother?" I asked hopefully
"She is doing fine darling, she wants to see you and Noe tonight" he informed me.

I could not help the happiness that bubbled inside me.
I always missed her so much. And I wanted to update her of my relationship with Thanatos.

I liked speaking to Noe, but mother was wise. She always knew what to do.
"In the meadow?" I asked with hope
"Yes, in the meadow" he nodded, causing a smile to beam from my face.

The human world was beautiful. The meadow was always so pretty, especially at sunrise...
I had only managed to see it a handful of times during work or when mother could take me as a child.

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