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A/N We are on the tail end of this book guys!! I am so, so excited to share how it finishes!! This chapter is a sweet little slow chapter, with lots of lovey dovey action. BUT the next few chapters are going to get intense! Lots of Kylo doing Kylo stuff. Thank you all for reading! Again let me know how you like the soundtrack! ❤️❤️❤️

Soundtrack for this chapter
Slow Burn - Kacey Musgraves
Love- Lana Del Rey
Sleep On The Floor - The Lumineers


You just sat there, mouth agape. Sure your brother was an asshole. An asshole who tried using you for bait, but he was still your brother. You didn't want him dead! "Why, Kylo?" You moved slightly away from him. The chill of the night air hitting your bare legs as you kicked off the quilt.

"Baby it has to be done." You had jumped up and leered back down to him.  He tried reaching for your hand and you jerked it back. Pacing back to the lake front and to Kylo. Your stomach was at the base of throat. "Why? Can't you teach him a lesson or something?" Saying this, you knew it was a waste of breath. He had used you, to kill Kylo, you assumed. "He tried to kill you Princess. I can't have that. Not with anyone, especially you." He pulled his legs up and put his elbows in his knees. Kylo's face tightened. His lips flattened as he spit the words out. "He placed the bombs in the Chateau. Hurting, who knows how many people. Associates, partners. Friends Y/N. Family. Your own family."

He reached up toward you, begging for you to come near him. You knelt down in front of him, placing your palms on his knees, wedging your body near his. His expression softened. "It can't go unpunished for such a blatant act of violence, and disrespect. He is working with the Lin's. I don't know for how long, or why. I didn't even know the Lin's were even that powerful to be honest." He hung his head. "I should have been paying more close attention. I'm sorry Princess. But I have to. I will look weak if I don't kill him. It could also lead to more attempts at your life. And that. Will not. Happen." Kylo looked in your eyes. They pierced your soul. You knew it would happen and no amount of pleading would change his mind.

You bowed your head. Tears falling onto the quilt. You swiped your hand across your cheek as Kylo caught your face. "I'm sorry. He did this. He knows the unspoken rules." Nodding, you stood up. "I understand Kylo. I understand what you have to do." You turned back and looked at him. "Just know I have to take care of my family too." He was still sitting on the blanket, but he had stretched his long legs out. You slowly walked back over to him. You straddled his legs and sat on his lap. He eased you down by stroking your thighs. "I love you. I love the way you make me feel. You make me feel empowered! You make me feel gorgeous, and sexy. You listen to me without making me feel stupid. And you're understanding. I know I see one side of you." Placing your hands on his cheeks. You smiled at him, kissing his lips lightly.

"I don't know why my own flesh and blood has done this  to me. Or why. And maybe I'll never know. But he is still my brother. I've got to warn him. Give him a heads up. He probably already knows you'll be coming after him. But I've got to try. For my own sake." His arms reached around your back and his hands trailed upwards. Touching your bare shoulders, he pulled you closer on top of him. "You wouldn't be you if you didn't. And I love you." He stuck his neck forward and planted a kiss on your lips. "I really love you."

You reached up and threw your arms around his neck, pulling him into a deeper kiss. You started rocking your hips against him. The moon was full above your heads, letting you see each other's bodies in the light. Still dressed only in underwear, which were quickly torn back off, your bodies finding their usual cadence. The almost musical hum of their bodies moving with each other. Each knowing what the other wants and needs.

Star-Crossed | Kylo Ren x Reader Mafia AU Where stories live. Discover now