(40) Introductions

Start from the beginning

"Who are you?" One of the guards asks, staring at you as though you were nothing more than a slave.

"I'm here to see King Ahkmenrah. I wish to try for his hand in marriage."

The guards only laugh. "You?" Another guard scoffs. "Just look at you, you don't exactly look like 'queen material' to me."

"Well I'm not here to just become queen of some kingdom! I'm here because I actually love the King Ahkmenrah, unlike the other women here, who are probably only here for power!" You scowl. "You can deny me entry, but I will not leave this palace until I've met King Ahkmenrah."

The guards glance at one another, before one of them only steps to the side and gestures for you to enter. "Right this way."

You're led down a long corridor, and into a large room, with hundreds of young women all lined up against a wall. "Your a bit late, so just sneak into line with the other girls without drawing attention to yourself." The guard says.

You nod, and quietly walk towards the girls. A few of them snicker when they see your absolutely horrific appearance, but you brush it off and squeeze into a gap of girls. The doors then fly open, and King Ahkmenrah, draped in gold, walks into the room. Two guards walk at his side, holding large pointy spears. The room grows silent, and a servant walks up to the king. "Your highness." He says with a bow.

"Please, there's no need for that, Abasi." He says with a chuckle.

The butterflies suddenly flutter right back into your stomach, and your heart begins pounding. King Ahkmenrah was right there. The love of your life. What were you supposed to say to the king?! You mentally begin panicking as King Ahkmenrah makes his way down the row of potential brides. Oh no...what do I say?! I was so busy just trying to get to this point that I completely forgot to plan!! You think in worry.


You're snapped from your panic and look up in surprise to see that you're face to face with King Ahkmenrah himself. You're pretty sure that your heart completely stops.

"Your-Your maj-majesty!" You stutter, quickly trying to bow. You step on your gown by accident, and fall forward, colliding with the King, knocking him to the ground, and falling on top of his chest. You're face turns redder than the sunset as you see your faces are only inches away from one another. You almost instantly stand up, apologizing about five times a second.

The king surprises you for the second time in one day, and bursts out laughing.

You stare at him in shock. "Y-you think it's funny?"

He smiles at you and chuckles. "Come with me please."

You nervously gulp and follow the pharaoh slowly.

"Ooo she's in for it now..." you hear a girl behind you whisper.

"Serves her right...she didn't belong here anyways."

You wring your hands and your palms sweat. This is it. King Ahkmenrah was going to kill you for being so disrespectful. He was going to kill you and toss your body into a ditch.

"What's your name?" The king asks, gesturing for you to walk beside him.

"It's (yn)." You sqeak. This definitely wasn't the death you were expecting. Is he just going to kill me in a empty hall without anyone around? You think to yourself.

"Well, (yn). You're definitely unlike any of the other women in that room. All of those other women dressed up as much as they could, and wore the finest jewelry and gowns in order to win me over." He says. "Ever single one. Except for you."

"I-I can explain..." you stutter. "Your highness, I come form a very poor family. I almost wasn't able to come tonight because I couldn't find a nice outfit to wear. My hair originally was brushed and it looked nice, but I was running late and I live very far from the palace. I was never really taught manners either. I'm so sorry for the commotion I caused tonight. I really didn't mean to be such a bother."

The king looks at you without any expression. "(Yn), why did you come tonight?"

"I wanted to meet you and maybe even become your bride. I know that I don't have anything to offer you or this kingdom, but I really do love you." You gaze into King Ahkmenrah's eyes with a sincere look.

He suddenly smiles. "Thankyou, (yn)."


"I had to pick a bride tonight whether I liked her or not. All of the other girls who came were superficial and fake. They only wanted to marry me because of my power and wealth. As I looked for a bride tonight, I wanted to find a woman who I could tell had a pure heart, and a woman who was able to make me smile. You check the boxes." He places his hand on your shoulder. "I can also tell by the look in your eyes that you were being honest about your feelings." King Ahkmenrah takes hold of one of your hands. "(Yn)? Would you do me the honor of being my bride?" He asks you nervously.

You smile as your eyes become glossy with tears. "Yes!" You exclaim, throwing your arms around the pharaoh with joy. "I would love to marry you your majesty!"

"Please, just 'Ahk' is fine." He chuckles.

"Well then, Ahk, I would love to be your bride."

Moonlight's Secret (Ahkmenrah x Reader Oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now