Chapter 21:"Secrets out".

Start from the beginning

He held his collar shaking him, "This is all your fault. If something happens to my wife. I will kill you".

"I know. I am sorry". Akbar said ashamed

He pushes him back snickering, "I am not the one you should be apologising to".

Usman places a hand on his shoulder and he relaxes taking in his small comfort. He finds their wives who looks as stressed as him while Zainab was busy glaring at Akbar.

Serves him right.

He knows for a fact that Akbar can't handle two things. One, his brothers getting hurt and angry at him. Two, his family getting hurt and angry at him. Both of them is what he tries to protect with his own life and provide for.

Maybe that's why he treats everyone like he would treat his children.

"Who in the world keep attacking me? This is not the first time and we are not even getting a name". He said frustrated as he ran his hands through his hair

All he wished for was to pass a bullet through the person head who was after him.

"We don't know". It pained Akbar to utter those words, "I spend money, people and time to find everything. It's just that they vanish in thin air".

"Romaisa saved us". He snapped as he cannot keep his anger at bay and he saw all of them stiffen, "We were heading back when we were attacked. She asked us to get in and we didn't want to until the fires started. She made sure we were in safety until the helicopter came in and that's when it all went down".

"That woman is going to be our death". Akbar said angrily, "I don't even understand what she wants from us".

"Maybe have a meeting to know?" Zafar suggested, "If she is so adamant about meeting us, why not give her one she doesn't forget?"

"I can. But I am not risking all of you in". Akbar said standing from the bench

"No. If we go, we go together". He said holding Akbar back

"It's not the time for this". Akbar said tiredly, "Your wife needs you here. I promise if there is a need for you all. I will get you. I need to go now".

He watches Akbar leave and he turned to others.

"Something doesn't feel right". He stated and others nodded

He didn't care about Akbar enough for now because his wife was in a life threatening position. He continued his pacing when he felt a dull aching in his shoulder. He removes his clothes a little to find a dark blue bruise forming and in all the stress, he must have not realised it.

When the man jumped on him to protect him must be the time he hurt his shoulder falling on the hard ground.

"What happened?" Zafar asked concerned

He shakes his head covering his bruise, "It must be when that man jumped on me to protect me".


"Yes. Romaisa was with some man who was wearing a mask. He didn't speak or interacted with us. He was rather violent while protecting even worse than Romaisa. When I was going to be shot, he pushed me down".

"What else?"

He frowns as he thought, "His voice was very familiar. Like a little familiar with something cold about it. It was scary at some point and he only said like one sentence".

"Must be some mafia thing". Usman said and he nodded, "Those bastards all looks scary, their work is dirty and their voice is always like them".

He agreed, "Romaisa was something else".

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