Chapter 9:"Past has awakened".

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His hands were bruised and they were bleeding.

But they were nothing compared to his heart.

"What are you talking about?". Her shaking voice snapped him out of his state, "I am not your wife. I never married you, you sick bastard".

She stands barely on her feet almost falling when she took hold of the wall behind her, standing on her feet looking directly at Awais.

"I never married this man. He is lying". She said trying to make her voice stable, "He is lying. He is lying".

He shakes his head blinking his eyes as he takes in her torn clothes and he immediately removes his jacket covering her properly asking his team to make sure none of them raises their head towards her but hides her away from anyone view.

He moves her in between his team and behind his body hiding her away from the man lying in his blood. He moves closer to the man poking his finger on his bruise as he hissed in pain.

"Remember this time and this pain before you ever touch her again.  Because if I find you again even in a close radius of her, I won't spare you". He warned thunderous as he stepped back moving with her towards the car parked in a small distance

As she sits in the car everything starts to settle in making her want to vomit whatever she had inside of her. He passes her a water bottle with a pill to numb the pain and her overthinking knowing she needs it.

They enter inside the hotel and this time he picked the secret entry from behind the building that is made especially for them to hide her away from unnecessary curious eyes. He tightened the security taking her back to her room.

"Is your luggage still in?". He asked softly not wanting to startle her

She shakes her head wiping her tears away, "I sent the bags to your plane because I thought I will leave after the deal was done".

He nodded understanding, "I think we can find some clothes from the hotel since Anabia stays here from time to time. I will contact them to get something from their suite. You can relax until then".

She nodded meekly as she went inside her room taking a deep breath. Once she heard the main door closing, she broke down.

He went outside feeling the heaviness in his heart which he tried to surpass as he calls Usman informing him the need to find Anabia clothes for her which Usman ordered his secretary here to bring the clothes to him.

He placed the clothes in the room heading back to his room changing into more casual clothes as he knocked on her door waiting for her for some time and then the door finally opened.

He watches her red eyes and he hates this sight so much. He didn't want her to be sad but these days all he sees is her sadness.

He enters inside taking a deep breath as he sits on the couch waiting for her and she sits opposite of him playing with her hands.

"You don't have to tell me". He said softly even when his heart hurts to know, he has no rights, "All I want you to know is instead of running from it, why not face it all at once?".

"You think I can fight them?". She asked in a low voice, "It's been so long since I have been running, I can't even tell anymore if I have it in me to fight them all".

"You fought me day in and out". He said with a soft smile, "You fought someone like me knowing I could crush you if I want to. How is that they are someone you are scared of especially when they can't even hurt you?".

"How can't they hurt me?". She asked as she bites on her lips looking at him

"Because you have me by your side. You have all the top tiers by your side. All it will take is one moment for you to ask and they all will fight for you". He said smiling lightly

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