04 - What a Creepy School

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Maybe this'll end well...

"Is this correct?" Miles held up his book for me to see the question he had just solved using my help. His eyes stayed fixated expectantly on my face until I was done observing his answer on the held up book and told him if it was correct or wrong.

"Yeah, that's right." I nodded my head with a smile, causing the boy to grin as well.

"Thank you so much!!" He said before focusing back on his work before he looked at Alex who was staring at him with evident amusement written all over his face. "What are you staring at?"

"No no, it's nothing." Alex smirked and resumed on completing his work, leaving a very confused Miles to look my way with an expression that read 'Do you know what's up with this guy'.

"By the way Summer, when does your exam start? May 12th?" Miles turned to me again with a question after some time, just when I was about to finish another question given in the book.

"April 30th." I answered, seeing how his eyes went wide for a split second at my answer.

"Holy cow that's only a week away!" He exclaimed.

"Unfortunately, yes. Even we didn't know until day before yesterday. Our teachers had decided to just 'surprise' us with it when we were peacefully playing among ourselves during the lessons." I sighed, adding air quotes to my remark.

"Man what a creepy school." I heard him mumble to himself, probably not knowing I could hear him. Or maybe he did, I don't know. I couldn't help but chuckle at his soft actions. He looked at me flustered upon hearing me and scratched his nape. "I mean like... I didn't want to badmouth your school or anything I justㅡ"

"I get it I get it." I assured. "Anyways, do you know a girl named Nikki in your school?" I asked suddenly getting reminded of her.

"Nikki?" He stayed silent as if to swim through his memory for a moment before speaking. "Nope, not familiar."

"Ahh... I thought you might know her since you go to same school and all."

"We've seen each other at school maybe but I don't know her by name." He said.

"Yeah I guess."

"How do you know her?"

Miles was curious suddenly. I stared at him upon his sudden burst of interest in me. We hadn't had a single conversation with more than of twenty words at most when we weren't on the balcony after class up until now and today I found myself answering various questions he posed randomly, changing from one topic to another when the former topic came to a dead end. It seemed as if he was wanting to get to know me more. The simple thought made my heart flutter with warmth and the more I started spending time with him, less boring the class had gotten. Finally I was starting to love the decision to join the math class, after more than a year of attending it.

"She and I are in the same French class."

"French? You do French?" He was totally shocked at it. I found it really cute.

"Why are you so surprised?" I didn't hide my doubts but added a little smile to let him know I wasn't mad or offended or anything of that sort. "I chose French when we had to change our course. What did you choose?"


"That's really cool!"

"You know what's more cool and most importantly funny, Summer? Him running in the hallway to the bathroom with brown paint mmhpㅡ"

"I swear to god Alex if you open your mouth again I'm gonna sew it shut with a fish hook."

Miles quickly covered his friend's mouth before he could say any further about the incident for the second time, Alex struggling to remove Miles' large hand off his face. The two boys were having their own little wrestling match while I watched from aside, trying to control my laughter among the chaos.

I couldn't recall a previous time I laughed that much in math class, mainly because it was either others were talking among themselves or quietly doing the given work. Unlike what I had in mind before coming to the class for the first time, everyone didn't become a small circle of best friends after time passed but instead just continued to focus on their own business. However Miles' arrival seemed to have brightened up the surroundings a bit. It was as if his bubbly personality had been the missing piece of the puzzle to make the class interesting. At least, that's what it felt like to me.

"Oh Summer I'm so sorry!" He sounded worried looking at my book and I realized while he and Alex were fighting, he had accidentally scribbled a little on it with his pencil.

"Ah no no it's okay, it's just one diagram, I'll do it again." I said and opened my pencil case to get the eraser to do the activity again.

"Here, use mine." Miles extended the rubber object to me and I smiled before taking it to erase the scribblings. He maintained the eye contact for some brief seconds with an equally wide smile.

"Summer?" The familiar feminine voice startled me from behind. I wasn't at all prepared to hear that since she shouldn't be here until an hour after, but I turned to the door immediately to see my mother standing there staring at me, the teacher just in front of her.

"Mom? What are you doing here?" I checked my wrist watch to make sure it wasn't the time to end the class and I was right, we had a whole hour more to go. Alex and Miles also seemed confused about the situation but they kept their quiet.

"We have to go, an urgent family matter is up." She simply said.

"But the classㅡ"

"It's okay Summer, you're excused for the day." Mrs. Moore cut me off calmly.

I silently nodded my head before collecting my stationary items and packed my bag. Before I walked away from my seat I gave the eraser back to Miles, displaying a grateful smile hoping he'd get my message. He took it without any words and waved goodbye to me before I left the class with my mother to go down the stairs into the road where the car was parked.

"Is there something going on between you two?" Mother didn't waste a second to ask when we got inside the car, roaring the engine to life.

"Of course not mom, I just burrowed his eraser." I said hastily.

"Don't you have your own?" She narrowed her eyes at me.

"I do butㅡ"

"Then I suggest you use that." She cut me off and I knew I shouldn't say anything else if I don't want to ruin my mood.

"Yes mom."

Why does it feel so awkward and weird??

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