Jelly Jamm: Rita's Nightmare/ Fever

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It was nighttime on Jammbo, and everyone was fast asleep. Rita had a sleepover with Bello, and so she was at his house when...AAAAAAAH!

"AHH!" Bello screamed as he jumped right out of bed and slammed on the floor.

"Rita!" Bello exclaimed

"Never fear Rita! Jammboman is here to save you!" He said quickly getting into his costume.

"Hwaaaaaa-yah!" Screamed Bello as he burst into where she was sleeping.

"Rita, are you alright?"

"Bellohoho!" She cried as she almost knocked him over by jumping into his arms.

Bello placed her on the bed next to him.

"Bello I'm scared!" She yelled

"Calm down Rita, shh shh, its okay now. I'm here"

Rita cried into Bello's shirt for at least ten minutes

"What made you so scared anyway"

W-well*hic* P-Princess was kidnapped and you and Goomo tried to(sniff) rescue her, but then a robot came and blew you uuuuup!"

"It's ok now Rita, I'm ok." Bello said

"But the part that scared me was that then the robot killed me!" Said Rita

Bello tried to think of someway to make her feel better.

"You know Rita, you're very brave for calling me." Said Bello


"Oh of course! But you know who's more scared than you?"


"Princess. You see she told me that she dreams the same dreams you do, and she doesn't like seeing you upset."


"Uh huh.

"Oh rita I was soooo scared!" Bello said holding Princess in front of him while doing a girly impression.

"Oh it's ok Princess! I'm here!"

Bello smiled, He then asked Rita if she wanted to stay with him in his bed for the night.

But then as he was tucking her under his covers, and kissed her forehead, he realized she was pretty much steaming.

"Uhh Rita, do you feel poorly?"


Then Rita threw up before she could answer. Luckily, she had gotten on the side of the bed, so it was only on the floor and her.

"Well that's a yes" he said looking at the screen.

"I'm sooorryheehee!" Rita cried

"Oh no Rita it's ok." Bello said comforting her

Bello got her a new dress and put it on her. He also grabbed a thermometer.

"Put this bit under your toungue." He said as she was curled in a widdle ball on him.

"What is it?" She asked

"It's a thermometer" he said

She did so

"It old" she tried to say, messing up cold.

"I know, but it'll tell me if your sick or not."

"Mmmm-mmm" Rita whined.

"Shh, Keep it in keep it in keep it iiiiiiin! He said in an encouraging way like any parent would



"Well, your not 'burning up', but you DO have a fever."

"I feel sick!" Rita whined again

"I know, I know." Bello soothed.

"Owowowo my tummy!"

"I think you should use the toilet Rita. You'll feel WAY better."

So Bello took her to the bathroom, and after making sure she was situated, stood guard outside, where he heard some *questionable* noises from the inside.

"Aaaah that felt MUCH better!" Said Rita

"But Bello my throat is sore!"

"Tell you what. Come to my kitchen, and I'll give you some Ginger Ale and crackers. That makes me feel better whenever I'm sick." Explained Bello


"And so, they both watched a rerun of Oakie Doke together."

"Here you go" said Bello giving her some purple medicine.

"Whats that?" Asked Rita

"It's Tylenol. Said Bello. It makes people with fevers feel better."

"It looks yucky!" Complained Rita

"Yeah, but you'll feel beeeeeetter!"Bello said.

"Oh alright"

*Rita gags*
"It's ok its ok Rita" said Bello

*Tummy rumbles*

"BELLO BELLO!" Rita yells before throwing up.

"Waaaaaahaaaaaaaa I didn't wanna throw uuuuuuuup!"

Then Bello cleaned her AGAIN and she laid her head down on his lap

"Can you scratch my back? Can you rub my feet? Can you rub my tummy?" Rita asked.

Bello complied and did all three for 20 MINUTES STRAIGHT EACH. When he was done he had bags on his eyes. THANKFULLY she was out like a light and he soon was too.

The next morning Bello checked Rita's temp.

"98.6°" He confirmed

After that they all played with their friends, and had a MUCH better day


Note: Hope any Jelly Jamm fans enjoyed this!

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