Only I Deserve The Pain - Chapter 35

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Suddenly, the hamstrings in his legs tighten up as he zooms out of the room. The sound barrier breaks as he runs out, the wind vibrations send Oma flying straight into Keebo. I give a look of worry.

Gonta really is terrifying.

"Well, at least he's gonna make it in time before class!" Momota laughed. Harukawa had a blank expression as always.

"My circuits.." Keebo moaned in pain.

"Phew! Thank god there was something to break my fall." Oma hops off of Keebo. He then squinted as he rubbed his behind. "Actually, it kinda hurt more than if I just landed on the floor."

"That's because you landed on a hunk of metal." Harukawa tried to pull her hair back behind her shoulders.

"Hey, Harukawa! You're the last person I expected to be robophobic!" Keebo yelled at the assassin from the ground as Iruma comes running at him.

"MOVE THE FUCK OUTTA THE WAY, I GOT YOU!" she brings out a huge toolbox from her.. Woman's pocket. I don't know how she fit it in there, but I wasn't gonna ask. Iruma hastily fixes up Keebo in a few minutes.

"Wow, Iruma! Thank you, your performance was quick as always!" Keebo says with glee.

"Heh, this shit's easy for a genius like me!" she puts her hands to her hips as she gives a smug smile.

Mr. Harada comes in the room with his usual demeanor. "Mr. Harada's here to start class.."

"Ehh, but I haven't made my daily joke about Keeboy yet!" Oma complains. The rest of us sigh as we take our seats, Oma was making things difficult again.

"Contrary to popular belief, I don't care." he points to Oma's desk with a blank expression.


"Saihara and Gonta's not here? Well,-" he got cut off as Gonta came crashing through the door.

"Gonta so sorry he late!"

The papers Mr. Harada put on the desk were now scattered on the floor from the force of Gonta opening the door. He gives a bored look at his now scattered papers. "Well, it's okay. Saihara's not here?"

We shook our heads.


He begins lecture, not caring about the fallen papers.

Immediately after class ends, I go to the infirmary to check up on Shuichi. Soda wasn't here so I guess he got better and I assume Tsumiki was busy somewhere else. I walk inside and he was peacefully resting in a bed. Pretty surprising, Gonta was pretty rough when carrying him. I let out a sigh in relief, although I trusted Gonta I was a little worried if he knew where the infirmary even was. I sit down on a stool and look at my boyfriend. I'm definitely making sure after piano lessons he gets proper rest.

"Yo." I scream in fear as I look at who said that. It was Amami!

I let out an exhausted laugh. "Oh, sorry, you scared me!"

"Dang, I thought I had a calm voice myself." he chuckled as he took a seat next to me. "Is Saihara okay?"

"Yea, he is. When'd you two get so close?"

"Ah, uh.. Well, I just wanna make sure a fellow classmate is okay, you know?" he says with a gentle laugh.

"That's nice of you." I smile at him. "I'm gonna scold him later for going against my wishes." I say with a pout.

A Melody With You ~ Saimatsu FanfictionOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz