Fourty Four

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'i can't paint for shit' i hear harry yell from the spare room which is now the baby's room. I walk in to see him all covered in paint and the wall looking absolutely awful.

'are you capable of doing anything Lewis?' i joked before taking the brush and dipping it in the off white paint and applying it to the wall.

'quite a lot of things actually, just definitely not this shit' he rolls his eyes before leaving the room to build the furniture.

Today we're decorating the babies room, We've left it till quite far into my pregnancy, i believe. We've decided to go for neutral colours, with a few accents of blue. The room is only small so we haven't gone to big with the whole nursery idea, plus harry and i aren't the type to fuss over it. Harry is documenting it just for keep sake, i don't think he wants to upload this sort of stuff to his main channel.

'looking a little messy there' harry said as he placed his thumb on my cheek to wipe off the paint marks.

'looking a bit hot there' i say back sarcastically, due to the fact that he's shirtless and his face is slightly red.

we basically finished the room all it needed was painting and the furniture going in, which we have done. There are still a few things that need to be added here and there but that will be done over time.

'high five' i said to harry and held up my hand

'we did surprisingly good' he high fived me and looked around the room.

'it suits us and this apartment so much, don't you think?' i ask tobi through the phone whilst panning the room

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'it suits us and this apartment so much, don't you think?' i ask tobi through the phone whilst panning the room.

'yeah it does actually, you two did a good job' he smiled

'we actually have something to ask you' i said whilst placing the phone down, so now it's showing both harry and i.

'should i be nervous?' tobi asked nervously

we both shake our heads.

'we actually wanted to ask if you would want to be his know because you're an amazing friend and we feel we trust you' harry said with a smile on his face.

'yes of course i will be the godfather to your child..i wasn't expecting that at all' tobi said in response and covers his face with his palms in shock.

'good good, otherwise i would've had to ask ethan and oh golly' harry joked.

we conversed with tobi for a few more minutes before i phoned Lauren, she stays with ethan at his apartment now.

'hey L, how's life?' i asked, me and lauren have drifted ever since she moved in with ethan. I'm happy for her and all but i miss hearing her cherpy voice every morning.

'it's been quite and utterly shit, yours?' she said

we chatted for a bit, showing her the room etc and then i asked her.

'Godmother?! yes  yes yes and yes' she exclaimed

'Babe? what's wrong?' ethan came into the room frantically

'i'm going to be a godmother!' she yelled again.

'do you guys think this is a good idea?' ethan stated as he moved into the frame

we laughed
' Let's say she will do a better job than what you would do if you were a godfather' i joked

we talked and then ended the call once more.

'i'm happy with our decisions, are you?' i asked harry, now sat on the sofa

'it was a hard decision but yes i am..tobi is going to be a great godfather' he said

'oh and lauren too' he added before yawning

'let's order some food, to celebrate' i said

he looked at me in disbelief
'charlotte? ordering food?!' he almost yelled

'one every once in a while won't hurt' i said quietly before going into uber eats and ordering our selected food.

The past few days have been so good, me and harry bonding more than usual. I cannot wait for the next few months before the baby arrives.

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora