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my alarm goes off at 6:30am, i wake up look at my phone straight away, it was like i was acting as if i was getting a special notification from a certain someone. obviously not.

after a few minutes of checking all my socials i get up and start to get ready, starting with a shower. I took off my oversized hoodie and my shorts and got in. Once i had finished showering i went into my room and changed into a pair of Black ripped mom jeans and a cropped white top. I put my hair up in a messy bun, apply mascara and a nude lipstick as i don't wear much makeup to the Notoways warehouse. i go out to the kitchen and make myself some granola.

'Good morning!', i hear Lauren say walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. I look back and smile 'morning, how'd you sleep' i ask while taking a seat at the counter beside her. 'good' she smiled 'are you going to the warehouse today?' she questioned, i nodded and with that got up after finishing my granola and put my unreleased Notoways on and finally picked up my bag, 'see you at the warehouse' i said as i looked back at Sarah to notice she was smiling whilst looking at her phone 'cal?' i said whilst smiling, she looked up ' no no, harry' she said and chuckled.
i thought to myself 'harry? the one from guernsey? what is she speaking to him for'. I walked outside of the door and got into the car whilst still confused as to why she was speaking to harry.

Although i've never met or seen Harry he seems like a pretty nice guy. I connected my phone to the car and listened to some music and drove to work.

When i arrived at work i noticed a guy with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes and a smile as perfect as..well him. I walked over to my work station while taking note of the guy standing over by the doors.

Harry's POV//
as i arrived at lux's warehouse i noticed an unfamiliar car in the garage. The car was driven by a girl, i recognised her but where from?. The girl walked in and to her what i'm guessing workstation.

30 minutes go by

Charlotte's POV//

as i'm working i see the tallish looking guy walking towards me, i continue working.

'hey, are you new around here?' he asks while crossing his arms, 'no,i've worked here for a good 7-8 months now' i reply with confusion ' Ah,that's why i don't recall you working here' he says and starts to walk off .'wait' i say slightly raising my voice. He looks back 'do i know you from somewhere?' i say he shrugs 'i'm callux's best friend' he turns back and walks towards me 'so why haven't i seen you around here before?' ,he laughs slightly 'what's this a questionaire?' ' oh sorry' i say and continue working.

Cal's best friend? why have i never seen him here and why is he here.
Hey guys i know this lowkey sucks but it's just to start of the story, hope you enjoyed!

My bosses best friend// Wroetoshaw(completed)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat