chapter 48 ~ packet

85.5K 2.5K 19.3K

mature language
• mentions of puking
• implications of suicide
• mentions of death
• derealization

song recommendation for this chapter
bundle of joy by michael giacchino
• extended version

Georges pov=

I feel like screaming at our driver to speed up.

Wilburs sat up front, trying to tell the man where to go.

Id be willing to bet that the driver is a very nice person, and ive got nothing against him, but god if he doesnt step on it then im gonna get out and walk.

"Deep breaths" Tommy encourages, making me realize im gripping down harshly on his arm for the fifth time during the car ride.

"Sorry" I whisper, letting go.

Ranboo promised to call the second anything changed, so I now find my heart dropping anytime I hear someone get a notification.

But no. Theres been no change.

Each time I look at Wilbur I can tell hes deep in thought.

Im glad he still has the mental capacity to focus, because I lost mine hours ago.

We'd agreed on going straight to Ranboos. Wilbur had started calling people the second we landed, Ranboo being one of them.

Nothing is really running through my head at the moment. Every couple of minutes things will grow overwhelming, but then reduce to nothing.

Its tiring me out, leaving me more stressed as time goes on.

Its dark outside, but theres no clouds out so you can see every star in sight. An orange tinge fills up the quiet car each time we pass a street light.

As I stare out the window, peering at the other cars surrounding us, a large yellow sign catches my attention.

A round, huge yellow sign.

A sign that I know.

The sign we'd driven past constantly, the sign that I acknowledged each time we were driving in and out of our camping site last April.

I lean down and squint out towards the front window, trying to look past the road.

It takes me a minute, but its there, its definitely there, and we're heading straight towards it.

New York.

My breath catches in my throat when I realize how close we actually are. I slap Tommys leg suddenly with no warning out of excitement.


"Look" I hiss, now hitting Tubbo.


"Straight ahead" Wilbur comments, already having noticed.

Hes quiet. Hes been quiet ever since the plane landed, but whenever he does talk he sounds serious. Its sort of scaring me, but I know he knows what hes doing.

Tommy leans out in front of me, Tubbo doing the same.

As much as im terrified to be here, as much as im terrified of whats going to happen, I cant help but feel a rush of relief.

Im home.

A wide grin appears on Tubbos face, him getting what I mean before Tommy.

"Do you see it?" I ask.

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