chapter 48 ~ packet

Start from the beginning

"I do" Tubbo responds, sitting back in his chair.

It takes Tommy a second, but the contagious smile then spreads to him as he looks back at me.

"The city" Tommy smiles, staying leaned fowards to continue his stare.

Usually Tommy would dive into conversation. Tommy could talk about anything for days and still make it sound interesting.

But he doesnt, he stays small and silent.


My anxiety heightens, the ding ringing throughout the suddenly silent car

I look around to see who it had come from, but both Tommy and Tubbo stay still, Wilbur being the only one who starts to dig around in his pockets.

I stare at him anxiously, waiting for him to tell me who its from.

He unlocks his phone reluctantly, sliding into his messages to see whos texted him.

After seeing Ranboos name on the top of the screen, I feel my heart drop.

Wilbur begins shaking his head, assuring me that its nothing important. I release the tight knot in my stomach, letting the relief run over me.

"Hes just wondering how far we are" Wilbur tells me as he types back quickly.

I nod, sitting back in my chair. Tommy and Tubbo are both watching me now, and I know theyre still waiting for me to snap.

But now I feel calmed.

We're nearly there, every second that feels like a year means we're nearing the city.

It means we're closer to him.




"Thank you" Wilbur smiles sweetly at the driver.

Im already tapping my foot impatiently waiting for all of them to hurry up.

I was right about being close, it only took about an hour to get to Ranboos apartment after id noticed the skyline.

It felt alot longer, but that doesnt matter now. We're here.

Tubbos looking around aimlessly, trying to take in everything at once.

I know how he feels, I remember that feeling clearly from when id first gotten here last year.


Wilburs got his bags and is now standing quietly beside me. He looks calm. But he always looks calm when he needs to be. I wonder what hes actually feeling right now.

I nod, and so we make our way into the lobby.

Each time id been in this lobby with him minus the last, id felt alot different to how I feel now.

Full, complete, happy.

But not right now. I cant explain what im feeling right now. Its a huge mix up of different emotions.

Fear, anger, disappointment.

All 4 of us climb into the elevator, the silence deafening.

Wilbur hits the button for the floor we're heading too, shutting the doors and making the elevator jump.

One of the most worrying things about all of this is how quiet Tommy is.

Ive been through alot with Tommy, and I could always rely on him to crack a joke during the most innapropriate times.

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