3; (the meeting)

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Your eyes connected as he looked down at you when you pulled apart from him, his wrist leaving your hand. Deep down inside of you, you wish you didn't just pull away so quickly.

His cheeks were starting to tint pink along with his ears. In this quick moment, you inspected him; long dark brown hair with a middle split that he pulled off way too well. Some ear piercings, a cute mole under his eye and a unique mole on his soft-looking lips. His skin was incredibly flawless on top of it. He dressed simple in a white button-up shirt and regular pants. Humans never made you feel safe before but him? He definitely gave you a safe feeling.

"I'm sorry, I keep being touchy-" he started, getting back that flustered look back. You wondered how on earth he could be shy.

You had a very small smile creep on your face, "stop please." He blinked, mouth slightly open. You were an adult and illnesses or not, you brought that confidence out and got serious. Little ounce of courage mustered up.

"You don't have to keep saying sorry." You said as he paid attention to you. "You just pretty much saved my life from that car."

"It was no problem, anyone would have done the same." Bashfully, his words came out. He had both confidence and shyness. He showed an out-going side and touchiness but also got shy, completely fascinating you.

"Not really," your small smile started looking like a sad one and that made his heart hurt a bit. He continued staring at you as you continued, "people aren't usually nice to me and not only that, you offered to take me to immediate care. Thank you, really. I appreciate it more than I let on."

He smiled at you, not wanting to pry about why you said 'not really.' He knew you must have had stories to tell, painful ones. "Well a nice and pretty person like you shouldn't be hurting on the ground, with a fever at that." That confidence and even perhaps flirty-ness it seems came out of him. The nerves in your tummy reappearing now and your heart picking up it's pace. "Seriously, are you okay?" He asked.

For some reason, those words started to make you tear up a bit. You're not the type to show people your tears but hearing someone sound so sincere and asking you that just hit like a ton of bricks.

The guy noticed and panicked, "oh no!" He got closer to you and lightly grabbed your hands to hold, "I'm sorry! Did I say something stupid?"

'Oh man, how can he be this charming... and the cliche is so real. This only happens in movies and books, doesn't it?'


That was only mere days ago and from that moment, he stayed with you. Doing his best to help you in what ever way he could and you found yourself spilling your whole life story to him. You never do this with people but somewhere in your gut, you just knew you could trust him. The words fell out of your mouth so easily that you even got mad at yourself for how open you became with him. He went above and beyond to show that you could trust him, just within these few days. What you didn't know at first was how much his heart ached hearing about your life, the abuse and now the suffering of illnesses. He didn't want to show you his worry but he was so worried. Every night so far, he'd come home and tell his friends about you since he lived with them. He would also pray that you wouldn't get cancer ever and that with each doctor visit, something good will finally come out rather than bad news. Through his own body, he had no idea how terrible you could feel as he was healthy but he mentally felt parts of your pain.

It sounded beyond impossible and weird that two strangers could just become best friends basically in a matter of a few hours. It happened though, as bizarre as it might be. You learned his name, Jung Wooyoung. He indeed was a little bit younger than you, four years younger; being twenty-two. Wooyoung was definitely playful and a bit teasing; he did it whenever he wanted to cheer you up but he also knew when to be serious. He knew when to pull back and listen to you carefully. When you had medical flare ups; although you would try to hide it from him, not wanting to bother him but he'd insist on you letting him know. Showering you in affection was just what Wooyoung did. That came in hugs and even cute pecks from his soft, plump lips on your forehead, hands, etc. You learned a lot about how he is and how kind he is to strangers.

It did secretly make you a little bit jealous though you weren't sure why. Wooyoung is just as affectionate as a loyal puppy that won't leave your side. His devotion was astounding. So friendly to everybody but a small pang of something not so great would wash over you. You felt stupid feeling at this slight jealousy because you knew the world needed more people like him.

What you didn't know was that Wooyoung was extra sweet to you, he just did a good job of hiding it probably. Sure, he could give his friends cute kisses on the cheeks and even comfort a stranger with a small hug but with you? He did it much more. Never having met his friends yet though as you haven't known each other long; you didn't know that little piece of information. He just knew he had an even more overwhelming urge to comfort you of all people.

One night you would play gently with your urn necklace, holding it tightly and thanked her. 'I think, my little angel... that you brought us together. I think you guided him to me. He's the best friend I never thought I could find, after you of course.'

Sweetly Devoted | Jung WooyoungTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang