Chapter ten

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When I woke up again, there was still no sign ofPatroclus. Antilochus however, was here. I looked surprised at him when I sawhim sitting there. "Hello, what brings you here on this hour of the day," Iasked. I was surprised to see him because he never visited my tent. Sure, wewere friends but we usually saw each other just outside, somewhere in the camp.and now I looked at him more closely, he didn't look happy at all to see me."What happened, what's wrong?!?" He took a big breath, trying to hold in histears before he said: "Oh Achilles, something terrible has happened! Patroclusmanaged to chase the Trojans away but he went after them. The great Hector waswaiting for him and...and... he killed him Achilles. Patroclus lost his helmet andhe was wounded. Hector was waiting for him outside the walls and killed him.Patroclus is dead, Achilles. I'm sorry... Hector also took his armor, so he hasyour battle armor now. I'm so sorry Achilles, I really am. We were able tobring his body back to the camp, he's in the hospital room. " He looked at me,he was crying now. A cold feeling went all over my body. I went stiff for whatfelt like a minute. I felt my heart shatter into a million pieces. A feeling ofguilt went all over my body. I didn't feel good, mentally nor physically. Ifelt like my heart was about to stop beating. I didn't believe it, he promisedto go back, he would never break that promise. No, he had to be joking,Patroclus was standing behind the door, waiting for me to freak out. Hecouldn't be dead. I walked to the door to check but no one was there. I ranoutside, yelling at everybody and nobody. I was freaking out, I didn't want tobelieve Patroclus, my best friend, the love of my life, was dead. I ran to thehospital room, and went in. Still not willing to believe he was dead. I lookedaround and then time froze. There he was, just laying there. His skin wasyellowish and cold. I knew he was indeed dead. I started crying, I wasdesperate to get him back. I hung over his head body, hugging him, shaking him,anything that could wake him up. I was crying hysterically now but I didn'tcare. It was all my fault, I agreed with his stupid plan. How could I have beenso stupid! My best friend was dead and it was all my fault. I fell down next tohim, my legs had given up on me now. Our best moment together flashed before myeyes. The first time we met, our first kiss, all the fun we had, and lastly ourlast goodbye. I remembered the way we had said goodbye, it had been so stupid.I all became too much for my head to handle and I passed out on the floor. Nexttime I woke up again I was laying down on a bed, my head still felt a bit shakybut I stood up and walked to Patroclus again. I immediately started cryingagain. This time, not only great sadness but also anger took me over. I wantedto revenge his dead. I wanted to kill Hector. I felt someone hugging me, when Iturned around I saw my mother. "I heard you crying Achilles, tell me, what'swrong? Why are you crying?" I told her the whole story, which was difficult because I was still crying quitehysterical. After 30 minutes I told my mother everything and she just hugged me and said: "You need to revenge his dead, Achilles. However, you cant do that without your battle armor. I will go to Hephaestus and ask him to make you another armor. Once you have that, you can battle Hector and defeat him." I smiled thankfully, "Geez, thanks mum." Then she left again. I was still broken on the inside but I did feel a little bit better knowing I was going to get my revenge. I lifted a chair and put it next to Patroclus' bed. I sat there for a few hours before I fell asleep again. 

The story of AchillesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora