"Damon!" Destiny screamed in delight. He turned to her and smiled.

"Des!" He screamed back, opening his arms, awaiting a hug. Destiny walked over to Damon and gave him a hug. He mocked her hair, saying it looked odd, and she hit him in the chest.

"Liam, buddy." Damon said. Liam looked at him In surprise. Liam let a smile through his cold hard stare. He hugged Damon with their bro hug.

"What are you doing here?" Liam asked Damon. Damon looked towards the door. I took a deep breath before stepping into the room myself.

"Leanna!" Everyone in the room except Harry, Gemma, Damon, and the woman I assume to be Harry's mother yelled.

Liam instantly gave me a bone-crushing hug. I was passed around the room, hugs given. Everyone looked at me with shock. I looked away and at Sydney.

The gasp flew from my lips before I could imagine stopping it. The rushed towards the bed, my hand on my mouth.

"Syd.." I spoke, tears welling in my eyes. She looked so... Fragile and weak. Her skin is in the shade of porcelain white. Her usual bright eyes are replaced by her sleeping eyelids. Her hair is put in pig tails, which look odd without her bright smile. She was so small that she looked tiny in the big hospital bed. An IV was in her arms. The sight alone made me want the shed a tear. Before my parents sent me away, I was stone hard, never showed emotion. Now I'm crying and laughing.

"Leanna. Where did you go? What happened?" Liam asked me, his usual soft tone no-where to be found. I looked towards the door. June not catching the hint.

"Come on in." I told June. She was hesitant, but eventually obeyed.

June walked in, looking mighty uncomfortable. A scream escaped Janet's lips. Janet jumped up off her seat and ran to her mothers side. Janet hugged her mother, her sobs loudly heard.

"Mom!" Janet screeched. Her mother crying also.

"Janet, darling, are you really here?" June asked, Janet nodded before replying with a sharp yes. I looked towards Liam, the horrified look on his face causing me to laugh. Liam looked at me, his face holding the same look. I started laughing so hard I fell off the side of the bed.

Liam's face looked at me like, "Why did you bring her here? She hates me!"

Which made me laugh even more. Everyone in the room stared at me with odd looks except my brother. He had a smug look on his face.

"What's so funny?" Harry asked me. His usual bright eyes gone.

"Liam..." I answered. When June heard his name a look of disgust covered her face. She looked towards my brother.

"Oh...He is here." June expressed her feelings. She rolled her eyes and looked towards the pale ceiling.

"Hello June." Liam spoke, not looking towards her. He looked towards the floor.

June nodded in response, her dislike for him still there.

Janet laughed and sat down beside Liam, dragging her mother with her.

Damon and Destiny talked quietly.

"Where did you go Leanna?" Liam asked once again. His tone growing colder.

"Danny approached me... He said that someone kidnapped June and knew where she was. I followed, knowing I had to save June. Which I did. Now I am back." I lied, looking at Damon and June. June seemed like the story was true. Damon looked at me with a look, but nodded his head in agreement.

"Damon's here because, he was in Danny's gang." I added. Liam nodded. Everyone believing my lie.

"I'm Anne." The woman I assumed Harry's mother to be. She extended her hand. I accepted and shook her hand while saying,

"I'm Leanna."

"I am aware." Anne said with a laugh. Gemma smirked, and Harry face palmed.

"Harry has been talking about you constantly. I feel as though I already know everything about you." She stated making Harry groan.

"Don't embarrass me, mum." Harry whined like a five year old, who got their toy taken away. We all laughed.

After a few hours it felt like old times again. We were all laughing and getting along until the doctor walked in out of breath.

"I have the results." He said, catching everyone's attention. The room immediately going silent.

"She has chosen memory loss. She is going to remember some things, and something's are going to be a blur. Her mind chooses. Luckily for you, this goes away after s few days." The doctor said, we didn't know what to possibly think. What would she remember? Would she remember the boys? Would she remember me? Only time can tell.


Sorry for the weird chapter! I know it sucked, please don't throw things at me!

Thank you for reading. Please comment! Vote! Share! And love your epic selves!

Thank you for commenting, and voting. It means a lot.

Thank you for sharing.

Thank you so much for loving your epic selves. I mean it's not everyday someone as epic as you Is born.

Love you- Tilly

She's our bodyguard?!?حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن