"Tastes good doesn't it." Niall got another fork full of food and did the same thing again, causing me to laugh at his actions. He did that another two times before Zayn called out.

"Hey Em, catch. Eat it and no arguments." Zayn said as he threw a red apple at me. I reluctantly bit into the apple, the juice from it filling my mouth. I looked over the contract as more vocals for the album were being done. If I were to sign it I'd be signing on for two albums, It would give me a good idea of if this would be something I'd stay with. I put the contract in my bag to go over thoroughly tonight. While putting the contract in my bag I heard my phone go off. It was a text from Claire saying she had something to show me when I got home.

By 10 that night we had finished the vocals for about two songs. I had gladly missed peak hour traffic which made getting home quick and pretty easy. I stumbled out of my car and over to the elevator. I pressed the button for it before leaning against the doors and dozed off for what felt like a few minutes before they open, causing me to fall into the elevator. I picked myself up and pressed the 7th-floor button before it slowly made its way to the level, when the doors opened I walked as quickly as I could to the apartment. I opened the door and walked to where my laptop was. I looked at Claire, trying not to fall asleep in the process.

"You kissed him? Oh my God Ember, you kissed him. Did he ask you out today or something, did you know him before yesterday or the audition? I can't believe you kissed him." She squealed, leaning back and almost falling off her chair as I looked at her confused, having no clue what she was even talking about. She started turning her laptop around, causing me to gasp as I saw the pictures. They were of Harry and I from when we were out at the steps earlier today. There was one of us laughing after he had caught me, one of me getting up from the steps and moving closer to Harry as we started to head back inside. The last one looked like we were kissing from the angle it was taken, but it was from when he had whispered into my ear. I sat there shocked at the title of the article that read 'Is this Harry Styles' new girlfriend?' I quietly groaned to myself, how could I have been so stupid not to worry about it?

"Claire, trust me when I say that I didn't kiss him. He was trying to help me walk in those stupid heels I can't walk in. When I was sitting down I saw the sun reflect on what was now obviously the camera which hit me in the eyes. He saw me looking in the distance and moved closer and whispered in my ear. If he and I had kissed him I would send you a text or something, you're my best friend and we tell each other almost everything and I know you well enough that you would have wanted to know what it was like on a scale of one to ten. But they're sweet guys, Louis is a bit... reticent I guess you could say, but that's how he's been in front of me." We both chuckled before Claire moved her laptop back to its original spot. I looked down at my phone which I had pulled out of my pocket and went to my contacts. I went to Harry's name and saw that it had been put under Hazza and knew exactly who had put the names and numbers in, I guess even if Louis didn't seem to want to talk to me he at least still cared somewhat enough to put the everyone's contacts into my phone.

"I'm going to go make a phone call, I'll be back as quick as I can okay?" Claire nodded while continuing to look at her laptop screen. I got up walked into the lounge room and hit ring under Harry's name. I waited and after a few rings, he picked up.

"Hey Harry, it's Ember. Uhm, I just wanted to give you the heads up that there's an article about us that has pictures of us supposedly kissing which were taken this morning." I heard him chuckle followed by a car door closing and his shoes on the ground.

"Welcome to the club, you're going to find a lot of articles like that from now on, especially considering you're in a group with five guys. Imaginations are going to be running wild." I turned around and saw Claire standing in the doorway, a huge smile on her face. I quickly mouthed no to her before turning around slightly.

"OH MY GOD, EMBER. IS THAT HARRY? OH MY GOD, LET ME TALK TO HIM." I heard her yell before I held my hand out for her to stop, which did cause her to stop dead in her tracks, no way I would be able to explain this tomorrow. I heard Harry chuckle over the phone.

"I'll see you in the studio tomorrow, goodnight Harry" I quickly hung up before he could reply and mouthed 'oh my god' back to Claire. He's probably killing himself laughing now. I rubbed my face, the phone still in my hand. Claire went to get the leftover Mac & Cheese that was in the fridge, heating it up before bringing it back and giving it to me. Tonight was movie night, something I missed lately, our movie nights which were usually every second night.

"So, tell me what happened today. I mean other than the stuff with Harry." I took a small mouth full of food and sat on the couch with my legs underneath me as she pulled out the 5th Saw movie and put it into the DVD player.

"Well, Niall kind of gave me a few mouthfuls of his food and Zayn gave me an apple. But if you were talking about the recording it went well, I think we got the vocals for about two songs done." Claire sat there, mouth open as if she were shocked. I shovelled the rest of dinner in before I got up and put the bowl into the sink. I sat back down with Claire and watched what I could of the movie before dozing off.

She's Not Afraid (One Direction) [Book One]Where stories live. Discover now