My desire to make you mine Part 1

Start from the beginning

Drishti was sitting and reading a book.Rakshit came from behind and made a sound:Bhlooooooo

Drishti got up and turned back with fear.

Rakshit was laughing.

Drishti:Who are you?

Rakshit:Rakshit Shergill.

Drishti:You are sent by Rakshit Shergill?Why did'nt he come?Mahima aunty said that he will come.Guess he is so busy that he sent his assistant here.Is he still fat?

Rakshit gritted his teeth angrily.

Rakshit:Can you please stop it?Don't imagine too much.Rakshit Shergill can spare time for Vidya aunty and her family.By the way Rakshit Shergill is not fat anymore.He is a handsome man now.And for your kind information I am Rakshit.

Drishti was stunned:What?You are Rakshit?

Rakshit:Yes.Am I not looking cute and handsome?

Drishti:Now I believe that you are Rakshit as your self boasting habit still exists.

Rakshit:I am not boasting.Everyone knows that I am handsome and girls always come after me.

Drishti:Not again.I agree that you have lost weight and you look quite good.But you are not any Bollywood star for all the girls to come after you.

Rakshit:All the girls say that I look like a Bollywood actor.I even got film offers from big directors.But I rejected all the offers as I am interested only in the field of medicine.

Drishti felt like laughing:Oh..not again.

Rakshit:I am saying the truth.

Drishti:You can never change Rakshit.Anyways we will go down.

While walking towards the door Drishti slipped and Rakshit held her from falling.


Rakshit:You know why you slipped?Because you have no balance.Do you know why you have no balance?Because your body has no enough strength.Do you know why?Because you have calcium deficiency.You need to have more milk and eggs.You can take calcium supplements also.

Drishti:Oh no Rakshit.You are talking like a typical doctor.

Rakshit:I am a doctor.So naturally I will talk like a doctor.Right?

Drishti:Ya.But stay here as our family friend,not as a doctor.Please spare me Dr.Rakshit Shergill.

Rakshit:This is the problem.You guys do not listen to doctors and take their advise..But when the health gets ruined they blame doctors.

Drishti smiled.

Drishti -Vicky got engaged by exchanging rings.

Vicky took Drishti to an isolated room.

Drishti:Why did you bring me here Vicky?

Vicky looked at her deeply:You look so hot Drishti.

Vicky tried to hug her.The shocked Drishti walked backward.

Rakshit who passed by happened to see this.

Drishti:Vicky...what are you doing?

Vicky:Come on Drishti..we are engaged now.


Vicky:But what Drishti?Be more romantic.We will create a romantic world together..we can romance like Edward Bella and make our love story eternal like Jack and Rose.

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