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It's the last chapter, warning: mentions of death//suicide

In a crowd full of people, your eyes only search him. You're unable to concerntrate and just want to talk to Min Jae and clear all your doubts. Alas, you never got the chance.

After remembering those days, you're pulled back to reality at the sound of namjoon's voice. "I am sorry y/n, I should've had told this to you earlier but it's actually me who's responsible for Ga Young's death...."

"How?" Your eyes searching his. He is unable to face you, he runs his hand along his hair.

"The guy that ga young liked..... Was me." It takes him a lot of effort to say this.

"WHAT?" you're unable to process the fact that ga young liked namjoon???? NAMJOON????? Why didn't she ever tell you? Was it because she was aware that you liked him too?

"It just turned out that way.... Look y/n I was never aware about this, I just got to know this recently, it pains my heart how unaware and inconsiderate I was about this. I should've had acknowledged her feelings, but I wasn't aware. I always thought it was because of Min Jae." Something doesn't add up.

"So when did you come to know?" You ask, seemingly innocent.

"Well, today night. After I left your home, I felt that the man was familiar, turns out he was Min Jae, but I wasn't sure, somi just hang out by your place, it was then when I saw him breaking into your house and kidnapping Alyssa, I came to know he's upto something, just then I saw someone run from your bathroom window towards the woods. I followed him and ended up at Min Jae's hideout."

This was surely one hell of an encounter.

He continued,"There, I saw a lot of things.... Things that can't be explained, but let's say I came to know that he loved ga young but ga young loved me. It looks as if he was aware about it but he never stopped loving her, and he had made it very clear that he wanted revenge.
Revenge from all of us."

The last sentance sends chills down your spine. You shiver. You're scared. You're very scared.

"Please don't get me wrong, I wanted to tell you this as soon as I could..."


"I- wh- what?" He taken aback by your sudden retort.

"YES, I FUCKING MEAN IT JOON. IT WAS WRONG OF ME TO ASSUME YOU WERE CORRECT JUST BECAUSE I HAD A CRUSH ON YOU. I SHOULD'VE HAD LISTENED TO MIN JAE!" By this time, you're crying and shaking with guilt, regret and anger. You feel everything at once and you're unsure how to handle it.

"Look, I am sorry y/n I never meant to hide anything from you...but what did you just say?"

You suddenly realise what the hell you just said.

"Does it even matter namjoon? How don't you just answer my question? Why didn't you listen to Min Jae that night?"

"Umm.. I guess I was overconfident... I mean I was an asshole. sigh. I thought I knew everything and I could never be wrong, but I've realised how wrong I was" he runs a hand along his hair, he's about to speak more until suddenly-

"Y/N? Y/N?" You hear a faint voice coming from behind you, you immediately know who it is.


You can clearly see she's not in a very good condition, she's coughing and her hair are a total mess, you can tell that she's been strangled.

"Are you okay? What happened?" Namjoon asks her in a calm warm tone. "Ye- yes, it's- it's just that I need to drink some water..." Namjoon runs and gets a water bottle from his backpack. Did this guy anticipate this? How's he always so prepared? Leaving your thoughts, you turn to Alyssa. She gives you a smile. Well atleast she tries to reassure you.

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