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He walks you home, after the day's events he couldn't let you be alone, he just couldn't. He stops short on your doorstep, there's a glimpse of longing, of regret in his eyes, but it's gone all too soon, he just smiles, and asks you to head inside, you can't bring yourself to speak anything so you just do whatever he says.

At night, while you lay in your bed, you think about the way he consoled you, the way he was by your side when you needed him the most, he was always there. In that moment you realise that your feelings for him run deeper than you imagined.

You're not able to sleep, all you can think about is the expression in his eyes, and being your curious self you want to know what it meant so badly, you decide to text him.

You're not able to sleep, all you can think about is the expression in his eyes, and being your curious self you want to know what it meant so badly, you decide to text him

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Even though the talk was brief, it filled you with warmth and happiness. You couldn't ask him what you wanted to, but the talk made you remember that special night.

Little did you know, how that night would change both of your's lives.

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