Ch1 I don't know!

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There's many things in life that many people don't believe in, like humans are immortal. Humans can  awaken after death (although Jesus did prove us wrong) and mythical creatures.

My mother would always tell me to shut up whenever I ranted about dragons, elves, ghosts, mermaids, werewolves and fairies. She wasn't one to be open minded but I on the other hand was. I always thought there was something other than humans and animals out there. I searched and searched and dug really deep hoping to find something and I'm-


I'm hurt, my eyes slowly and gently struggle to open. Once they do I see a fuzzy vision of people dressed in bizarre flowery and nature costumes of all sorts of colours. They're all looking down at me.I don't remember signing up to be in a play nor a fancy parade.

A tall dark skinned girl with curly, shiny black hair helps me up to my feet. My vision is clearer now and the girl who helped me up looks like a golden goddess. She has sunflowers in her hair and is wearing two large sunflowers to cover her chest. A long  yellow,flowing skirt covers her waist down to her feet. I notice she has yellow wings. And somehow they sparkle as if it's actual fairy wings. Wow people these days are very creative I wouldn't have guessed how she did her wings so I ask her.

"Your wings are so cute, I love the dust it's like tiny stars twinkling. How did you put all of the costume together may I ask"? Everyone looks at me in confusion, I don't know what I said wrong.
"Em... girl are you okay?" she replies.
"Yes?...Did I say something wrong? I hope I didn't but they all look at me as if Iv got five heads.

Another girl starts to laugh at me she has red Poppy's covering her chests. Red Poppy's in her hair and this time a short red skirt. The sunflower girl says "Poppy it's not nice to laugh at others". She then faces me and asks "Hey dear, I don't know how you came here but you seam to have no wings. I'm guessing your still learning to fly although your well last that age. My only other guess is you're a a human."

Everyone let's out a loud gasp.
"Yes but aren't we all?" I say.
Poppy scoffs "You are quite slow".
"Don't poppy" The sunflower girl says. "This has never happened before. Okay how did you get here"? The sunflower girl asks. The red Poppy girl interrupts "Ye what sacrifice or deal did you make to be like us. Actually you're not like us you have no wings. Hahahahahahahaha"
"Shut up" says everyone.

"I didn't make any deal or so I think. To be honest I don't remember anything.I don't know how but I just opened my eyes and I was here".
"Do you remember even your family, name, age"? The sunflower girl asks.
"I'm seventeen my birthdays 5th of June, i don't know my family. Omg I can't remember my family. Oh gosh. I DONT REMEMBER MY FAMILY"!
"Hush, hush we will help you, now what's your name? The sunflower girl kindly asks. "It begins with an S but I don't know. I can't remember". I feel hopeless, how do I not know what my name is or my family? My own family, I start to question did I even have one?

"Wait but who are you guys"? I say in a tone that came out higher than expected.
The sunflower girls name is Fleur or so she says. "I wish I knew my name so I can introduce myself, but what a wonderful name you have Fleur". She replies back "Oh why thank you".

"I'm Ivy, please to meet you"says a girl with bleach blonde hair and her skin as pale as snow. Her skin glistens in the warm gleaming sun like everyone else's I notice. Ivy wears a... well you guessed it. Two green ivy leaves to cover her chests and a knee length green circle skirt to match her top.

"Hi little erm...human" says a dark haired boy with blue streaks in his hair. His skin looks pearly white and soft like a baby. Like many of the other males he has a cardigan open for everyone to see his bare chest. It was a dark blue to match his hair and his tight fitted pants to see his shape but unnoticeable to see his private area. "You can stare at me or would you like to know my name"? I didn't even realise that my eyes were giving him a stare that looks like you're checking out a hot dude at some party. "Oh sorry" I try to laugh it off "I would like to know your name".
He smirks "It's Kai". Just before he lends out a hand to shake with me, a white bearded man storms over to our circle that they formed around me.

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⏰ Poslední aktualizace: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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Kingdom of Dusty Crescent, many hearts to love. Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat